Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Dear PC,

You are ridiculous, and I am so sorry that you have such a permanent and public record of it.


Is anyone watching this show?

Did Gretchen get married? (thanks to the anonymous tipster.) I'm sure we would have heard about it if she had, but I can't find a thing.

I'm going to be taking a short break while I upgrade my blog. It's going to be fancier and fluffier than ever! Come back next week-ish to check it out. xoxo


SpryOnTheWall said...

When I see PC the word Tool pops into my head. I watch sort of, not much though, it's a very annoying show about annoying children (as much as they think they are adults they are CHILDREN). I really didn't enjoy high school and I'm not enjoying this show. Bring on the ATL ladies please!

Can't wait to see the upgrade - very exciting!!!

Anonymous said...

To answer your question "Is anyone watching this show?" my answer is "no."

ticklishfromadistance said...


MFAMB said...

don't watch. don't eevn know what it is, which, for me, is RARE. however i DO love an upgrade! can't wait for it. i am in the process of upgrading my blog too. and on that note i'd like to say thank you for mentioning me in the RHNJ-flower-dead-baby-casket post as it brought forth a lot of new readers who obviously know what's up. thanks SGM! i heart you and would most definitely make out with you if you would have me.

Maria said...

yes and i'm only slightly addicted to watching the children be bad. ny times currently has an article about how the schools and the parents are "up in arms" or "miffed" by their lives being played out on bravo.

Anonymous said...

Hey SGM...did you see this article?

Drama builds for NY "Housewives" return as ladies wait for more cash. Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/gossip/2009/07/07/2009-07-07_drama_builds_for_ny_housewives_return_as_.html#ixzz0KbksRqde&C

Anonymous said...

Definitely not watching THAT show. IMO Just full of a bunch of teenage wannabes.

Gretchen and SLADE?! Slade is someone who I love/hate. If it's true, are we sure that it isn't just his evil ploy to get back on the RHOO and resume his role has honorary housewife?

Will this mean that Gretchen will now have a BMW with the license plate: GSMILEY?

Anonymous said...

Is that Slade Gretch has married?

Anonymous said...

Apparently they were only posing for photos, as models. At least according to whatever website came up when I googled it.

Anonymous said...

Re 1:39 Anon's link: Gawd, if only Kelly were to return I SURE wouldn't watch. Girl's not stupid though to be the first to sign up; she knows she's lucky to get the deal at all.

Unknown said...

no stop I can't take it, I HATE Teen angst. I'd rather have 6 more episodes of Danielle, the insecure coke whore. Good for you with that upgrade. Sucks for me, no more RHoNJ recaps. You f'in better be back for the Andy show or I'll sic Caroline on you.

style and grace said...

You must find out if Gretchen and Slade got married. I thought they were dating as a publicity stunt. More importantly, why did Bethanny need to announce she was "going" to get engaged? Wait till it happens woman!!!! I really hope they do a season 2 of NJ, so entertaining. And SGM, what do you think of the Atlanta previews? Looks really bad.......

Tracy Watier said...

Can't watch it. Tried and failed. Pretentious, rude, jaded, spoiled, self-centered ADULTS is entertaining. Watching CHILDREN behave that way is depressing and makes me want to punch their parents.

Anonymous said...

Can't watch NYC Prep. It makes me gag.. what a bunch of tools.

Stacy said...

I tried to watch. But every time I did, I began yelling, 'You TARDS!! Your parents are watching! Your school is watching! Your future employers are watching! YOUR GRAMMA IS WATCHING! Stop talking about sleeping around and doing so many drugs!!!! WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH YOU???"
And then I had to chug some Xanax and calm down.

Jenn said...

Ugh. No, not watching. PC is a total dick - can't stand to see his face.

Chloe said...


Yup. That's all I've got.

Naz said...

No interest in a bunch of OC wannabe's.

Unknown said...

I am embarassed to say I have tuned in and it makes me ill everytime I watch it...

I was dying for you to write about it, there is so much to discuss...like, when is PC going to come out of the closet?

Regardez Moi said...

I totally watch this show. I heart it.

PC is ridic. But he is no Chuck Bass, I'll tell you that right now.

The Townhouselady said...

I love trash TV but this crosses a line for me.

They are minors and it sadeness me to think of the parents that would allow their children to sign on for something like this.

I REFUSE to watch because I would HATE for this to become popular resulting in more children doing regrettable things in front of cameras.

Much as they want to be adults they haven't a clue.

Shame on the parents shame shame shame!!

Sugar & Spice said...

I don't watch PC..They are beyond ridiculous!!!

Anonymous said...

A bunch of ridiculous brats! PC is gay in my opinion - not that it matters but he pretends to be into girls.

Megan said...

I have not watched that horrible show. Not because I haven't wanted to, but my boyfriend had to draw the line for me and reclaim my Tuesday nights. Until ATL comes on, of course. No one can keep me away from my NeNe!

I did, however, watch the clip you posted. And no PC DID NOT just diss Texas girls. They were pretty vapid, sure, but to say "They're from Texas, come on." LOSER PC. You are missing out. But that's fine - I don't want you infecting the Texas girls your age with whatever it was you got after drinking from that sketchy cup. LOSER!

SGM said...

Exactly. We can only hope that some Texas boys give him the ass-beating that he so richly deserves.

(I can't believe I just wished for a CHILD to get a beatdown)

amber {daisy chain} said...

I'm watching, but I almost can't stand it. They're so young and clueless, can you imagine what they'll think in 20 years when they watch this again?! I doubt this show will get another season, it's pretty awful.
However....I WILL be watching Miami Social on Bravo, starts next Tues. xo

Megan said...

He's a man-child, so that makes me feel a little better about hoping someone (proverbially) beats some sense into him.

tinkalicious said...

I dvr'd it, and even after rewinding (more than once) I still don't know who the heck is who? The girls all look alike to me, pale skin, long dark hair and "boring"! No thanks!

JC said...

That would be a big, fat NO. Those children make my skin crawl.

prashant said...

I am certain that their questionable "prep" schools are distancing themselves as fast as they can.

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