Have you seen the new website of Lucky Magazine? I used to be addicted to Catch of the Day, and it's still there, I still look at it every once in a while, but they've added a new feature: Cute Outfit of the Day (aka Cute Girl of the Day, their term not mine). That's right, an official competition among employees--nay, girls--to see who looks the cutest every single day. I am equally enthralled and repelled by this concept, and holy shit this would freak me out if I worked there. You know that there is one girl who has not been picked and everyone is snickering behind her back and she's freaking out but trying to play it cool as she steals from the accessories closet and rushes home day after day to try on outfits for 4 hours and nobody at work is going to help her and she doesn't want anyone else at work to help her because she can do this on her own and because they would fucking sabotage her.*
And then there's Gigi Guerra, who you know KILLS it every day, but she can't win every day because what would be the point? What IS the point of this competition? Public humiliation? And who is this judge?** That is the key question, because you know the bitch shows up to work and several staffers are shoving each other aside to give her her extra-hot organic soy decaf half syrup disgusting orange pumpkin spice latte and a foot massage. Does she line them up at 9 a.m. sharp and then walk past them with a clipboard, looking them up and down? Does she smack them on the hand with a ruler if the hem of their blousy dress doesn't hit in the right place? These women are not models with styled looks, they are (and I'm using this word loosely) journalists. I know that they work for a fashion magazine and should show up ready to rock, but a daily contest? This qualifies as undue stress, don't you think?
*No I am NOT going to mention Devil Wears Prada here because that is a movie and this is real life.
** Is it you, Andrea Linett? Is it? (God, you are so behind the scenes that I can't even link to you. Very suspicious.)