This is about my kids. I'm a big girl. Do what you want to me. But you broke bread with my children. Don't do this to me. No adult should ever do this to a child.
Can you see me rolling my eyes to the heavens? She's a piece of work, that one. (said in my best Jersey accent.)

"You think you can take me? You need a fucking army if you gonna take me! Now who wants a handjob in my car?"
Did you know that Bravo claims it knew nothing about The Book before the show started taping? Hello, JACKPOT. Can you imagine the clapping and squealing going on in Andy Cohen's office when the news broke?
ROUND 2 of the Real Housewives of New Jersey reunion tonight. A preview of Caroline's "YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID" moment:
Sources: NYDailyNews, Newsday, NYPost and Scarface. Thanks to Lauren K and LDW for the tips!
I love the still of Caroline pointing her finger! By the way, I took the Facebook test 'which NJ Housewife are you?' Of course I was Caroline! Lerve her. Go get 'em tiger!
Andy Cohen totally hit the jackpot. That Danielle is a 'whore' and a lot more!
Danielle is the one who chose to proposition Steve to go on a "bathroom break" while the Bravo cameras were on her during her date. So Steve is just peddling the video of what would have gone on in the bathroom, big deal.
No adult should ever do this to a child is right...Danielle did this to her children. All this mess wouldn't be in the news if Danielle had stayed away from Bravo.
Good drama for me, bad drama for her children. Hope it's worth it, Staub!
What did Danielle do that Caroline can't forgive her? I wanna know!
Such an interesting mess!
Love the drama! Can't wait for the show tonight! ;)
Danielle puts the Whore in Horrible.
I agree with Megan - if she was worried about her kids, she wouldn't have gone on television and suggested having sex in the bathroom of a restaurant. Did she think her kid's friends and families wouldn't see it? I am sure her kids aren't suffering any kind of repercussions because of that scene.
Wow. notice how Danielle just looks at her. Clearly she DOES know what she did or she'd have a confused look. Now, if they'd just tell the rest of us what she did!!!
Rumor has it that Danielle slept with Dina's husband and that he and Dina are seperated. Which is prob why Danielle hates Dina so much...she is jealous. She probably whipped out her crooked boob, beat up coochie and slung it on Tommy. I have seen Tommy and Dina's "Big Fat Fabulous Wedding" on VH1 and Tommy looks like a douche
Damn Dirt Princess! Where did you hear that?
I Love Caroline, pointy finger and all!
May or may not be true...but it makes since to me! Have you seen their wedding on VH1? It was $1.2 MILLION!!! Crazy! ";
How did the book get to the dinner, her purse was not that big?
I hate the way she always falls back on "my kids" that is getting really old we see what her kids see if she was really worried about her kids, then they wouldn't be filmed at all
I just wanted to say that I love your blog. You make me laugh with every post! Keep up the good work!
(aka- a TV addict, especially Bravo)
I just wanted to say that I love your blog. You make me laugh with every post! Keep up the good work!
(aka- a TV addict, especially Bravo)
I'd love to know what other whorer Danielle inflicted. It had to be towards the fam. but not the Manzos. Maybe a reference she made in People about some estranged members of the Laurita family. She knows sumpin. and she's really nasty. And she's hurtin' my Caroline, so it has to be about family.
That Danielle is all about her kids, isn't she? The poor things always look shell-shocked.
The WTF look on Andy's face after "poor-poor-pitiful me" Danielle talked about her "sick bubbie" was priceless. Almost as hilarious as her sweetness and light blog entries.
The real Danielle was the nasty one blowing cigarette smoke in her daughter's face after the table-flipping dinner. We better find out the backstory beween Danielle and Dina tonight on the reunion part 2!
That Danielle is all about her kids, isn't she? The poor things always look shell-shocked.
The WTF look on Andy's face after "poor-poor-pitiful me" Danielle talked about her "sick bubbie" was priceless. Almost as hilarious as her sweetness and light blog entries.
The real Danielle was the nasty one blowing cigarette smoke in her daughter's face after the table-flipping dinner. We better find out the backstory beween Danielle and Dina tonight on the reunion part 2!
The poor broken bubbie speach was the Kim Z. cancer scare at chili's moment of the season!
Why would Dina be ready to possibly forgive Danielle if Danielle slept with Dina's husband? Gotta be something else threatened but not followed through with. Sorry, I think Caroline is too full of herself, Dina and Jacqueline seem very kind and Danielle is just a big, fat mess. (Teresa just kept her mouth shut since it didn't involve her.) I also have the feeling that poor Dina and Caroline are going to be heartbroken one day to find out that their husbands' family isn't as pure as they think.
Oh, and poor Andy!
Anon 7:15...I am glad someone else isn't taken with Caroline. Something about her attitude gripes me. She seems to be itching for a fist fight, which is ridiculous.
OMG I just took a break from the non-stop Michael Jackson coverage to watch Part 2. What the eff did Danielle do???
The theory about Dina's husband doesn't make sense to me--I'm thinking something more along the lines of a "hospital job"!!
SGM--can you get the dirt from Andy Cohen!? Please!!
Danielle admitted on her blog that she gave Dina's ex the phone number of someone who could help him get custody of Lexi - appears to me she has some dirt on Dina. That's why in the reunion episode, Dina kept telling Caroline to let it rest. She didn't want any of her dirt getting aired. I wonder if Danielle did this before or after the sisters outed the book in the salon. If it was after, then Danielle was out for revenge.
Danielle admitted on her blog that she gave Dina's ex the phone number of someone who could help him get custody of Lexi - appears to me she has some dirt on Dina. That's why in the reunion episode, Dina kept telling Caroline to let it rest. She didn't want any of her dirt getting aired. I wonder if Danielle did this before or after the sisters outed the book in the salon. If it was after, then Danielle was out for revenge.
Danielle admitted on her blog that she gave Dina's ex the phone number of someone who could help him get custody of Lexi - appears to me she has some dirt on Dina. That's why in the reunion episode, Dina kept telling Caroline to let it rest. She didn't want any of her dirt getting aired. I wonder if Danielle did this before or after the sisters outed the book in the salon. If it was after, then Danielle was out for revenge.
Sorry about the triple posting!
Oh Caroline...poor dear. Whatever Danielle did must have been completely awful for Caroline to break down like this.
Honestly next season the RHOJ need a sixth housewife that is not related to the Manzo's or not close friends with the Manzo's. Although I'm not buying Danielle's innocence, I believe it is unfair that Danielle has no support. If it wasn't for her drama the show would be boring. Unless they are going to get another housewife, I don't think I'll be watching next season. I just don't like the family dynamic and I also think Caroline and Dina are lying about spreading rumors, but since it's their word against Danielle's, nothing will be proven. And Theresa is not going to say anything because she doesn't want to be bothered. It's one sided. I don't like that.
......her hair extensions creep me out.
Anon 11:17pm - It won't make one bit of difference if another non-Manzo/Laurita housewife is added, Danielle is INCAPABLE of building true friendships. She is delusional and self absorbed to the nth degree.
As for her recent campaign against Dina, i.e. contacting her ex-husband, it was never stated on the Bravo blogs that he was interested in gaining custody of Lexi. The previous poster is assuming that's the reason. Quite frankly, given Danielle's history, her reason for involving herself w/ Dina's ex could include any number of twisted scenarios. I am very similar to Dina in the way that I deal w/ insecure crazies like Danielle. I employ a "DO NOT ENGAGE" policy and I strongly believe that's what she was doing at the reunion when asking Caroline to not go into detail. She just wanted to shake off the drama and move on. Kudos to her!
Was it just me or did I hear Caroline say that Danielle was talking to someone about hurting Dina? That's right before she started crying. If that's the truth then I'm all for Caroline being pissed at Danielle. Funny how she never denied that, she kept glaring, even when Andy asked Danielle if she knew what Caroline was, that was the meekest answer ever.
I swear my eyes hurt from all the eyerolling I did when Danielle was doing her sob story. Man, this woman will not quit the I'm a victim schtick. It's getting quite old. And Danielle and Kelly Bensimone need to stop with the "You all are hurting my kids" story when they give out statements. It's your life, take responsibility for what you did!
And what's with Dina forgiving Danielle for whaever horrible thing she did? I have a feeling that the next season is being set up. This time it'll be Dina and Danielle who are good friends and it'll cause trouble with the sisters.
Ya'll should go to and read the HOusewived blogs.I read thier blogs everyweek.
The Manzo and Laurita family consulted with an entertainment lawyer to negotiate a salary for the show. They asked Danielle to contribute to the lawyer's fee since she was also making the money. She refused and apparently complained a lot to Jacqueline. Dina was angered by Danielle's behavior. Danielle realized she came on too strong, tried to make up, but Dina was not forgiving. The Manzo's outed Danielle with the book. Danielle took revenge by trying to cause trouble by giving the number of someone who could "help" Dina's ex. Sounds as if she has some dirt on Dina. Dina decided it was better to drop the whole battle, probably because her dirt might get aired. That's why she kept telling Caroline to leave it alone.
I cannot believe Bravo doesn't do background checks on these people. After watching the second reunion show I am even more sketched out by Danielle. You can tell by the way she talks that she is a complete liar. I feel so sorry for those beautiful children.
Instead of enjoying this show as lighthearted humor with a little drama thrown in like the other cities, I find myself disgusted after watching this season. I hope they scrap this one.
Here's what I heard..Danielle called Dina's ex-husband to tell him he needs to get Lexi away from Dina, and she told him all the rumors she was hearing about Dina and Tommy, and Danielle told him who to contact to confirm her tales, and to call child protective services based off the rumors. The ex-husband immediately contacted Dina to tell her about the phone call he just received, because he and Dina have an okay relationship. They do not hate one another like I guess Danielle was counting on when she called him. He didn't jump at the chance to hurt Dina he actually called her to tell her about the call and the sh*t Danielle was saying.
This is what Jill was talking about in her blog when she wrote that its' the worst thing you can do to someone.
I think Dina didn't want to discuss it because she is protecting Lexi and is scared this crazy B*TCH will do something to humilate Lexi.
I still can't get over the stupidity of Jacyln for liking this woman!!!!
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