Kelly Bensimon was sentenced to 2 days of community service today for giving her boyfriend a black eye. Doesn't the judge know that Kelly doesn't "do" community service? I mean, what if they start using her name for all of their community service events? I hope she appeals.
Anyhow, we can all sleep soundly in our beds tonight knowing that Kelly is safe at home. If she thought the reunion show was boring, she should see jail! Like, totally not fun or awesome at all.
In the words of Kelly, "justice has been served."*
A video clip of the jubilant yet still moronic Kelly outside of court:
*omg, when is someone going to hit her?
Annnnd another hideous outfit. I am thinking that all of the designers that she pals around with actually hate her. Because nothing that she wears looks or fits right.
I hope you can find video of her performing the community service. Priceless.
I want to live in KellyLand, where guilty means that justice has been served in your favor and you don't have to wear a brar. I don't want her back on the show, but I do. I'm so conflicted.
hiyeee.. biyeee!! thanks for comeeeng.
It would be great if Kelly turned her community service work into an episode of Behind the Hedges. That would be entertaining.
I'm speechless...this woman must be stopped! "Listen judge, I am HERE, and you, well, you are down HERE."
OMG - I totally volunteer to smack her one upside the head, just on general principal for being such a bitch and a liar.
She tells the videographer that the guy she hit was "just some guy" and they were never 'together'. wtf? Wasn't he her fiancee' at the time? Then she tells him he needs to get his facts straight! I swear every time she opens her stupid mouth I start mumbling and talking to myself - she drives me batshitcrazy.
She's the most agressively bad dresser/ungroomed looking thing I've ever seen.
She's such a moron.
She looks like she is sucking on 2 Jawbreakers. One in each cheek.
that dress makes her look fat. :-D
That dress is saying "bridesmaid's dress, 1965 Sears catalogue."
*gag* mmkay, off topic, but can we discuss how Theresa from NJ reminds me of Fran Drescher?
SGM! You could not have made my Wednesday more enjoyable, thanks for the Kelly update.
Just stopping by to tell you I nominated you for the Lemonade Stand Award this morning! Hop on over to Decorazzi (www.decorazzi.blogspot.com) and take a peek! -siiri
While you are covering "crimes against humanity," SGM, Bethenny has the fashion police hopping all over NYC.
Remember that get-up from the Kentucky Derby? Well, this number is the sequel--only now there's nipplage (no brar on) and that pesky camel toe.
If Kelly gets community service, what is the sentence for the seersucker jumper, flashing of ass and now this???
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/06/10/housewife-bethenny-franke_n_213851.html http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/06/10/housewife-bethenny-franke_n_213851.html
Since all decking someone gets you is 2 days community service, I volunteer to deck her.
Hieeeeeeeeeeeeee Christine in DC. You're so funneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
Thanks for coming to my sentencing. Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
Just checked out Anonymous @6:50 tip at HuffingtonPost and saw Bethenny's newest attention getter. WTF was she thinking? It's getting pathetic and disappointing at this point. She doesn't need to do this shit and at her age it's looking desperate. Lifting her skirt to show her bare ass and now proudly striking a pose with skin tight see through fabric to show off her tits. Pathetic and it shoots down her claim that she doesn't have implants. A little fame is definitely going to her head, sadly.
She doesn't DO community service!!! Hahahahaha!
P.S. I cannot WAIT for the RHONJ finale next week. Just watched this week's show last night and SOCKITTOME, sista! So damn juicy! Like Joe.
I do NOT get that Bethenny outfit either. What's with the ill fitted jumpsuits?
If I were Ginny Hilfiger, I'd be putting out press releases distancing myself from the current wardrobe. Yikes.
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