For those of you who watched the season premiere last week, what do you think about Tamra's boobs? She allegedly had them downsized but they are still freakishly tip-over HUGE. What about Jeana's Nagel pictures in her bedroom? Yikes. And her verbally abusive ex-husband-to-be still living in the house? Did you see Gretchen giving her teenaged stepson a boner? (this wasn't actually talked about, but we all know it happened when she hugged him while in her tiny bikini). I am very concerned about how Josh's heroin addiction will affect the new marriage of Lauri and George. Lauri just can't have a third divorce. It would destroy her!
So many layers to this show.
Episode 2 is on tonight. Watch it.
Oooh I'm so bad I forgot to watch it! Not to worry I'm sure it will be on 100 times today.
I've already started drinking.
I am not even going to fold laundry tonight. Must watch.
(Hate Jo. Hated her more after dating show with Sloanaids)
Unfortunately, cable-challenged, I won't get to watch unless the episode appears online. Looking forward to a recap, please.
I did get to see the first episode, I'm still feeling sorry for the girls for buying those ugly, ill-fitting dresses. Girls, please, you could get stuff just as ugly and ill-fitting at Dots for about $20.
I'm also thinking that Ritalin couldn't hurt Vicki in any kind of way, WOOHOO! Maybe she could focus a little more if she had some meds.
BTW: I realized today that gyms have cable. I could join a gym for half the price of cable and work out whenever my shows are on, hmmmm, thinking about that. ohj
There's too much. Keep typing and deleting because I can't even get it out. Top of my list is Lauri.
I was sensing lots of strain in the conversation between Lauri & George (could we get a "babe" count? I think she had to of said it a good dozen times.) He didn't seem happy to be around her. Yikes.
Gretchen I haven't figured out yet. Whether you're uber hot or not, shouldn't you wear more clothing around your husband's FAMILY? Creepy enough your the 5th wife...half naked around his family & kids is just yucky. Save it for when you're around his wealthy geezer buddies or something, yick.
I am stuck in NY and have watched 2 episodes. Why have I been missing this? Seriously, this is good shit. There is so much hate for self and others. I feel like a social anthropoligist watching this show.
Is it really as good as Nene and the girls though? Do I need to add this series to my repertoire?!
There are just one too many blondes on this show. They need another brunette or a red-head. What happened to Roxy, errr, I mean, Ms. Funky Cleavage Quinn? They announced that someone is leaving the show...Gretchen?
Is it just me or does Jeana always seem like she's been crying. Maybe she has allergies, who knows. I wasn't diggin all the images of herself. A bit much. It kind of seems like her soon to be ex (?) has always been a visitor in their house. I think Jeana would love to have a roll with Don. Vicki really seems like she wants to be single.
Now the Real Housewives are seeping into my dreams. Last night I dreamt Mrs. de Lessep and I were at a fashion show together. I was wearing a Diane von Furstenberg wrap dress and Stuart Weitzman boots. Both of which I do not own in this reality. I really need to get out more.
Looking forward to the recap. This week's show was a lot better than last week.
OC is my favorite too. Gretchen is a gold digger plain and simple. Going to buy a Harley when her soon to be husband can hardly stay upright for 15 minutes? What a bitch. Loved all the cattiness as they were waiting for her in the limo!! Jeana is my favorite. Most down to earth and sanest. Tamara is second. I am still trying to figure Lauri out, and Natalie made me think about their meal and Lauri wanting to "stop" in Dubai for shopping???? WTF? Vicki is out of control. Don is a good man and she is going to loose him! I hope he and Jeana get together. Can't wait for the recap!!!!
Jeana's husband has traumatic brain injury from a bad baseball game thingie. For reals. They've discussed it several times. That's why he's an a-hole. He tells her she's fat. But seriously, what's harder to do...go up in the gym and work on your fitness or hang a dozen 25 year old Nagel posters in your house. She has said for a couple of seasons she'd love to have Don as a husband. They both seem like nice people and more matched than Don and Vicks.
Oh, Laurie. Have you watched the footage of your "doting" husband. He seems like he'd rather be scrubbing the bathroom prison style than hang with her. Every time she says babe an angel loses its wings.
Vicky is as bat shit crazy as ever. Pretty sad when your college daughter is more mature and smarter with money. Mom, don't buy a million dollar freaking boat. Hopefully she listened, with the econ the way it is...would be hard to sustain the same lifestyle and even harder to unload a boat with a washer and dryer on it.
Tamra. Meh. I got nothin.
I'm back and I watched it last night and you're totally right Tamra got her boobs back. I know she's probably super teeny and this is TV but when they're that big they make her look big too. Mean I know.
I loved episode 2 last night! Meow! Bitches are so jealous. But what about the teaser about "one of the housewives leaving"? Any guesses on who it might be?
Ity was all I had hoped for and more.
Any thoughts on NeNe being evicted...
I just read that Jeff, Gretchen's fiance died in September!
i missed my oc girls. :)
oh girls....I live a few miles from the OC. You wouldn't know this because you don't live in the boob capital of the world but down sizing means taking your 600cc implants down to maybe...450cc.
600 is like a super DD 450 is like a D+
they look huge still, because they are.
btw...they are such a perfect representation of the OC. really. so perfect.
Umm actually Richie, they are not. Just a really bad stereotype. Remind yourself who would actually be on a show like that.
I'm with anon 9:09, they are a bad stereotype. I know some actual OC housewives, and they're really just boring republicans.
I have to agree about the OC housewives being the best of all the rest. Tamra is annoying as F and her boobs are disgusting. Vicki makes me laugh with all her craziness and I cannot wait to see what the season has in store for us, nor can I wait for your recaps and opinions :)
Nothing about those hideous dresses?? The dresses that were over a thousand dollars each for the ugliest animal print ho dresses ever? Puleeeez, ladies. Spend your husbands money on something rad, like vacation homes or lessons how to look good.
I made my husband watch with me and I was gasping at the dresses, asking if he agreed if they were awful, but I think he was busy looking at all the boobage.
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