1. I feel that I owe you an explanation for not covering the past two episodes of Real Housewives of Orange County. Quite honestly, I have really been trying to re-dedicate myself to watching tv as God intended, which means eating ice cream and drinking in every word without taking notes that say things like "Tamra--boobies everywhere--wtf?" That being said, I fully intend to cover tonight's episode because we not only have Josh's heroin addiction, but ALSO a cast member leaving the show. !!! If that's not a recipe for heart-stopping drama, then I don't know what is.
I was going to suggest that we all take a guess as to who the QUITTER is, but spoilers abound. Check it out here if you don't want to be surprised.
If you didn't watch the first two episodes, don't sweat it. It's business as usual on that show, which is to say plastic surgery, backstabbery and gold diggery.
2. Many of you have emailed me about NeNe's housing problems. I had thought it was kind of old news because it was out in the open (at least to people who get NeNe google alerts)(doesn't everyone?) that the house on the show was rented and that she actually lives in a condo now. Anyhow, my very favorite a part of all of this is NeNe's response to the press, "it's none of your business!" which I imagine was said emphatically, complete with bug-eyes and a finger wagging. Love her, evicted or not.
3. Another classic NeNe quote: "He is a fox, and I am his girlfriend." I wonder if Dwight feels threatened? For those of you who would also like to be Anderson Cooper's girlfriend, I suggest you get a penis and also read this article on How to Hunt Anderson Cooper. Funny.
anyone else find that Vicki looks like Will Ferrell?
Back to NeNe's eviction for a second:
in the beginning of RHOA, when they would say NeNe's husband was an "entrepreneur," for some reason I never bought it. He seemed more good-natured than enterprising.
I knew it would be Lauri! I'm ok with it, she is getting boring anyway.
I read last night that Jeff (Gretchen's fiance') died in September following the taping of RHOC. So sad...
Have you seen this?
I am just so glad Tamra had a boob reduction, SGM! Those smaller, Double D TripX's work perfectly with her petite frame. More natural.
ok, so I watched the Napa Valley episode last night and was dying - The Lodge where they stayed is 2 blocks from my house. I could have totally stalked them and possibly even seen what they look like up close (eeek). I keep laughing to myself, though, because they must have stuck out like a sore thumb here with the big 'ol boobies and fake tans. It's one thing to look like that in the OC, but in tiny Sonoma wine country, not so much.
Paloma that was hilarious!!!!!
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