2. Donn Gunvalson, all is not lost. You are loved.
3. I didn't want to go to bed last night because it meant leaving this song. (and don't give me the "I hate John Mayer" bullshit because I know that you secretly want to hug and kiss him. That being said, he is being a total wet blanket for not allowing me to embed the video.)
4. I have been trying to avoid telling you about this blog for fear you would leave me, but I love you all too much to deprive you of this guy's brilliant Real Housewives of Orange County photocaps. Check out the Bromance ones too. Go ahead. Shoo.
Happy Friday.
SGM - I love you. Your blog is way too fantastic to leave!
Also, not to brag (okay, fine, I'm totes bragging) I was at the concert where that Free Fallin' recording comes from. It was GORGEOUS. I also met him that night and made an ass of myself, but let's focus on the song. LOVE IT.
He can make any song beautiful. Hug and kiss may not even get me started. He very well could be and probably is a major asshole, but Jesus H. Christ...
oh gawd, his voice is like a yummy warm blanket that I want to be naked under.
Tamra Sue's blog
She's blaming the editing. F'ng spare me.
Also read Brian Malarkey's take on the dinner:
Oh that song. I hadn't heard it before. Now I'm in love.
Thank you for the link! I am most flattered.
I'll make sure the readers return home safely.
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