Where does one begin. Tamra, a recent "graduate" of etiquette school, hosts a party to show off her skills whilst trying to get a guest "naked wasted". Nice. Wonder if she even feels remorse. They are a disgusting train wreck. I can't wait for the NYC ladies. They definitely have their issues, but this is where my east coast snobbery takes over...
Tamra totally set up Gretchen. She knew that Gretchen was going through a tough time, and planned to get her wasted so she would make a fool of herself. The only thing grosser was that she whored out her son in the process. Just gross. Not that Gretchen isn't totally immature for someone in her thirties. Grow up already. Get a job and stop sponging off a dying man. I wonder which sugar daddy she has hooked up with now that her poor boyfriend is dead.
That's fuched up. I never seen the show till today when i seen the commercial for "naked wasted". I had to tune in . I'm a 28 year old stereotypical urban caucasian Nyc Latino.and I just gotta say DaMN !!!!!I feel for gretchen, and tamra's a coniving bee-otch
This was one of the most juicy shows yet. Can't wait to read your recap.
Tamra is totally absolutely tasteless for helping her get drunk but Gretchen didn't require much pushing. She is a grown woman and should be able to behave herself.
Did you hear that comment about how she hasn't "got any" for 8 months? How long has she been dating her boyfriend in total?
1) Tamra f*ing sucks. She is the opposite of etiquette, whatever that is. Oh yeah, scumbag. 2) I wondered about the "8 months" comment because on an earlier show Gretchen had said something about having sex in the hospital and you could do anything you put your mind to (and all the other ladies were like - OMG she's screwing an old man with cancer who is IN THE HOSPITAL) - so which time was she lying? 3) Please, please tell me you have a screen shot of Ryan doing the shocker??? He is disgusting and I hate him, but my husband and I laughed for 10 minutes about that.
I can't wait to read your recap. Last nights show was good. Tamra is a total wack job. If Gretchen did not have a dying fiance I would want her to hook up with Ryan (as gross as that is) just to break Tamra's heart, Gretchen get preggo and make Tamra a grandma for real. LOL!
Poor Gretchen. Clearly can't handle her liquor and I wish someone would have cut her off long before she got sloppy. I was embarrased for her.
Those women are mean and awful and so tasteless. Goes to show you that money can't buy class (I stole that line from someone but can't remember who).
Well, well, well. All Tamra and Vicky need is a bubbling cauldron and warts on their noses as opposed to their souls to make the picture complete. Morally bankrupt was the first thing to spring to mind. Gretchen may be a shallow gold digger but it is obvious she means no harm. Tamra + Vicky = Schadenfreude. P.s. Can't wait for Kelly Bensimon to "Peek" my interest. Rock on SGM.
I actually turned off the TV and was so pissed thinking about it I turned it back on hoping the episode would redeem itself.
I can't remember being so disgusted with the actions of humans as I was last night.
oh wait...when they pulled out the semi truck driver in the intersection during the Rodney King LA riots and beat him. That maybe tops last night, maybe.
Gretchen made some bad choices [obviously] but those women...are just downright mean and evil.
Vicki is a f*ing bitch and I don't say that lightly. I really hope they watch this episode and take a good look at themselves.
I hope that you don't mean that Gretchen should be ashamed. Pulling an drunks woman into a bathroom who clearly says no should cause any shame to her. How about the date rape tag team of Mommy and son? Did you perhaps mean that they should be ashamed?
The TWOP bloggers get it - I don't know why you don't.
The trash, that is Tamra, has raised trash that is Ryan. The apple does not fall far from the tree. I don't plan to watch the rest of the season. I'll catch the NY gals but these OC characters just hit a new low for me.
I cannot believe this hotmess of a show. Lynne's daughter, Ryan, Vicki's alcoholic mother that doesn't love her, Tamra, Gretchen...uggh. I need to go lie down.
Bravo needs to get their shit together. This show makes me dumb.
Unbelievable. Dumbfounded. There isn't a word that describes how low what Tamra and her spawn pulled is.
Gretchen was obliterated, just defenseless, and obviously doesn't have a single friend on that cast.
My BF doesn't watch normally but as I was riveted last night he caught the end - his comments were that as messed up as she was, she still told him she's engaged to a nice man and any decent guy would've put the brakes on at that exact moment. Unfortunately the person in that bathroom is the furthest thing from a decent guy.
Saw the show and I say "shame on Bravo" for thinking they had to go "there" to keep us interested. "There" being Vicki's continued intolerable craziness, Lynn's blank obliviousness, her daughter's underage drunkenness, Tamra's total lack of class and downright meanness, Gretchen's cluelessness and Ryan's gross, inappropriate, oversexed, under-intelligent, repulsive ickyness. What a train wreck. And shame on me too, I guess, 'cause I'll keep watching...
anon 12:13: I guess I have just had it with this group of uber insecure,vapid, crazy chicks. Nip/Tick is back on at the same time and day and that fiction is fantastic... SGM has a real gift and of course I can't miss her recaps and any other goodness she's posting!
Vicki and Tamra are evil...I really think this is the last season I'm tuning in to watch these women. They really made me sick to my stomach last night.
And didn't you love how they basically called Lynne a pot head in front of the world just because she's mellow. Now she could very well be, but some people are just laid back. But by Vicki's reasoning I guess that means Vicki is probably a coke addict because she's such a hyper crazy bitch.
Overall these women are so obnoxious I'm beginning to like Lynne.
TAMRA can kick ROCKS! I thought what she did was tacky and ugly. She is so damn jealous till it is sickening. I hope Gretchen did have sex with Ryan..8 months without sex for her probably is really hurting her something bad. I like her, I really do. But Tamra...nope not at all. She is FAKE! I cant stand fake!
The OC seems to be taking it too far this season. Tamra is so evil now that it's just not funny anymore. I am missing NeNe something fierce. Those Atlanta ladies were such drama queens over nothing that it was a pleasure to watch. Heroine addiction, Cancer...it's too serious and now Tam Tam is too insecure and nasty.
Topics include, but are not limited to, Bravo reality shows, celebrities, sex, regular people who want to have sex with celebrities, Lucky magazine, hot gay guys, musicals, douchebags and science.
on it.
Just watched...I am disgusted on many levels. I am soooooooooo not laughing anymore.
What the F????? Do you think they hooked up or not? Tamra is so cheese, can't deal....Can't wait for NY, they are SOOOO much better.
Where does one begin. Tamra, a recent "graduate" of etiquette school, hosts a party to show off her skills whilst trying to get a guest "naked wasted". Nice. Wonder if she even feels remorse. They are a disgusting train wreck. I can't wait for the NYC ladies. They definitely have their issues, but this is where my east coast snobbery takes over...
Tamra totally set up Gretchen. She knew that Gretchen was going through a tough time, and planned to get her wasted so she would make a fool of herself. The only thing grosser was that she whored out her son in the process. Just gross. Not that Gretchen isn't totally immature for someone in her thirties. Grow up already. Get a job and stop sponging off a dying man. I wonder which sugar daddy she has hooked up with now that her poor boyfriend is dead.
I agree with the two anonymous posters above me. Tamra is awful. That was so uncomfortable to watch.
That being said, I can't wait for your recap!
That's fuched up. I never seen the show till today when i seen the commercial for "naked wasted". I had to tune in . I'm a 28 year old stereotypical urban caucasian Nyc Latino.and I just gotta say DaMN !!!!!I feel for gretchen, and tamra's a coniving bee-otch
Train wreck.
It was pretty spectacular. Yes, yes it was.
Oooh , I do hope we get this show.
You mean they Eat???
Tamra + Etiquette = Oxy + Moron
Vicky bugs more every day!
This was one of the most juicy shows yet. Can't wait to read your recap.
Tamra is totally absolutely tasteless for helping her get drunk but Gretchen didn't require much pushing. She is a grown woman and should be able to behave herself.
Did you hear that comment about how she hasn't "got any" for 8 months? How long has she been dating her boyfriend in total?
I missed it :-(. I am so sad. Forgot to set the DVR too. Can't wait for the recap!!
1) Tamra f*ing sucks. She is the opposite of etiquette, whatever that is. Oh yeah, scumbag.
2) I wondered about the "8 months" comment because on an earlier show Gretchen had said something about having sex in the hospital and you could do anything you put your mind to (and all the other ladies were like - OMG she's screwing an old man with cancer who is IN THE HOSPITAL) - so which time was she lying?
3) Please, please tell me you have a screen shot of Ryan doing the shocker??? He is disgusting and I hate him, but my husband and I laughed for 10 minutes about that.
I can't wait to read your recap. Last nights show was good. Tamra is a total wack job. If Gretchen did not have a dying fiance I would want her to hook up with Ryan (as gross as that is) just to break Tamra's heart, Gretchen get preggo and make Tamra a grandma for real. LOL!
Poor Gretchen. Clearly can't handle her liquor and I wish someone would have cut her off long before she got sloppy. I was embarrased for her.
Those women are mean and awful and so tasteless. Goes to show you that money can't buy class (I stole that line from someone but can't remember who).
It's off topic, but have you SEEN THIS?
Do you die, Brad? I die.
*wants it!*
Can't WAIT for the new season!
bravo might have moved into mtv's position as the devil. I would love to see the story boards on this one.
Tamra's son is a few years away from being jacked on To Catch A Predator. He has the creepiest look in his eye I have ever seen.
Well, well, well. All Tamra and Vicky need is a bubbling cauldron and warts on their noses as opposed to their souls to make the picture complete. Morally bankrupt was the first thing to spring to mind. Gretchen may be a shallow gold digger but it is obvious she means no harm. Tamra + Vicky = Schadenfreude. P.s. Can't wait for Kelly Bensimon to "Peek" my interest. Rock on SGM.
I actually turned off the TV and was so pissed thinking about it I turned it back on hoping the episode would redeem itself.
I can't remember being so disgusted with the actions of humans as I was last night.
oh wait...when they pulled out the semi truck driver in the intersection during the Rodney King LA riots and beat him. That maybe tops last night, maybe.
Gretchen made some bad choices [obviously] but those women...are just downright mean and evil.
Vicki is a f*ing bitch and I don't say that lightly. I really hope they watch this episode and take a good look at themselves.
I hope that you don't mean that Gretchen should be ashamed. Pulling an drunks woman into a bathroom who clearly says no should cause any shame to her. How about the date rape tag team of Mommy and son? Did you perhaps mean that they should be ashamed?
The TWOP bloggers get it - I don't know why you don't.
Anon 9:50,
Anyone who drapes herself all over Ryan on national tv should burn with shame.
Of course Ryan and Tamra should feel shame, but I think that they are both incapable.
The trash, that is Tamra, has raised trash that is Ryan. The apple does not fall far from the tree.
I don't plan to watch the rest of the season. I'll catch the NY gals but these OC characters just hit a new low for me.
I cannot believe this hotmess of a show. Lynne's daughter, Ryan, Vicki's alcoholic mother that doesn't love her, Tamra, Gretchen...uggh. I need to go lie down.
Bravo needs to get their shit together. This show makes me dumb.
Unbelievable. Dumbfounded. There isn't a word that describes how low what Tamra and her spawn pulled is.
Gretchen was obliterated, just defenseless, and obviously doesn't have a single friend on that cast.
My BF doesn't watch normally but as I was riveted last night he caught the end - his comments were that as messed up as she was, she still told him she's engaged to a nice man and any decent guy would've put the brakes on at that exact moment. Unfortunately the person in that bathroom is the furthest thing from a decent guy.
An all time low.
Can't wait for your recap, ha!!!
How can you NOT watch the rest of this show? I can't pull myself away!!
Saw the show and I say "shame on Bravo" for thinking they had to go "there" to keep us interested. "There" being Vicki's continued intolerable craziness, Lynn's blank obliviousness, her daughter's underage drunkenness, Tamra's total lack of class and downright meanness, Gretchen's cluelessness and Ryan's gross, inappropriate, oversexed, under-intelligent, repulsive ickyness. What a train wreck. And shame on me too, I guess, 'cause I'll keep watching...
They all have their faults, but Tamra is just as mean as can be. I *want* to believe it's all editing, but egads! She surely is a meanie.
Still like Gretchen, but winced a lot during last night's episode, especially during that blip where she said Tamra's son made her hot. BLECH!
anon 12:13: I guess I have just had it with this group of uber insecure,vapid, crazy chicks. Nip/Tick is back on at the same time and day and that fiction is fantastic...
SGM has a real gift and of course I can't miss her recaps and any other goodness she's posting!
Vicki and Tamra are evil...I really think this is the last season I'm tuning in to watch these women. They really made me sick to my stomach last night.
And didn't you love how they basically called Lynne a pot head in front of the world just because she's mellow. Now she could very well be, but some people are just laid back. But by Vicki's reasoning I guess that means Vicki is probably a coke addict because she's such a hyper crazy bitch.
Overall these women are so obnoxious I'm beginning to like Lynne.
I don't even watch this (Atlanta is enough Real for me), but this is awesome. A skeezy nugget!!
TAMRA can kick ROCKS! I thought what she did was tacky and ugly. She is so damn jealous till it is sickening. I hope Gretchen did have sex with Ryan..8 months without sex for her probably is really hurting her something bad. I like her, I really do. But Tamra...nope not at all. She is FAKE! I cant stand fake!
"She is the opposite of etiquette," made me spit out my wine. I am cracking up over here.
The OC seems to be taking it too far this season. Tamra is so evil now that it's just not funny anymore. I am missing NeNe something fierce. Those Atlanta ladies were such drama queens over nothing that it was a pleasure to watch. Heroine addiction, Cancer...it's too serious and now Tam Tam is too insecure and nasty.
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