1. VH1's Sober House. OMG. How is Steven Adler still alive? Why did Dr. Drew let him stay when he was using at the house? Don't they have any sort of protocol in that place?

Feelings about Rodney King?
2. Rock of Love Bus. Icky, yet I can't look away.

3. Top Chef. Who's going to win? Jamie? Stefan? Did anyone go home that you thought shouldn't have? Someone still there that should have gone home a long time ago?
4. Sophocles still sells! Bravo tells me that viewership of Real Housewives of Orange County is up 30% from last year, no doubt due to the antics of the Oedipal duo, Tamra and Ryan. Congrats on selling your souls, you two!
1 – 200 of 281 Newer› Newest»Were we watching TV together and I didn't know it?
I think Stefan is going to win Top Chef, but my favorite is Karla. I was so glad she made it last week!
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Even though you posted the link to Kim's blog (RHOA) I didn't know if you were keeping up on it.
Yesterday she professed her love for her hair and asked everyone to give it a rest. Very funny.
Not watching the other three (I'm not above it, I just already have a DVR full of trash TV), but I'm pulling for Jamie to win Top Chef.
I think I have a tiny crush on her ... plus, gotta root for the local girl!
SGM-I love Rock of Love more than words can express. I speak of this show to friends who look at me like I've truly lost my damn mind. But sure enough, the following week they tell me, "OHMYFUCKINGGOD THAT WAS INCREDIBLE!" To which I reply, "I WOULD NEVER EVER LIE ABOUT HOW AMAZING BRET AND HIS HOS ARE!" This show is one of the few things that brings me out of my winter depression.
Have you watch Tool Academy? It comes on after Rock of Love. It.Is.BEYOND.
Unskinny bop bop bop bop
Like the deadly car crash you pass, yet can't help but stare. I thought after seeing the girl take a shot from the naked vah-jay-jay on 'Rock of Love', I had seen enough of the crash. But sadly...
I feel so dirty
I am totally with you Miss Ava-I tell EVERYONE I know about Rock of Love Bus; I feel kinda like I'm spreading a disease. Joel McHale on The Soup once said of Rock of Love that after watching it, you had to go get tested for syphillis. Which may be true.
Loooove Top Chef! I think my man Fabio will win. He's awesome. Stefan is a dick, but I could also see him winning. Just what his ego needs.
I LOVE Rock of Love Bus. And that girl you pictured is my favorite, yet, I can't remember her name. I think it's hoey-mc-hoe. Or something. In any case, she always says things like, "I have two dudes on my team, so we should win" when she's the one that looks like the tranny...oh, the irony.
Oh, and I've always wanted to say this: first time poster, long-time follower. How cool does that make me sound?
1. Sober House......Steven Adler CRAZY!! I am addicted to watching these people lives, that they just got back, disappear. So sad, but addicting. I don't think he will be the last to fall off the wagon.Next up Shifty!
2. Rock of Love Bus.....ok so he got rid of this seasons "frenchy" in the first episode. The girls that are left at this point are SOOO different. From trashy to tom-boy (who makes out with his drummer and stays) he has them all. Is there ever s scene without someone with a drink in their hand? Getting back to Beverly is anyone in their right mind going to "have a long lasting relationship" with someone who as soon as you are out of the room is making out with your friend (and she is worried about what her kids and their friends will see)? I think Taya looks like his favorite!
Top Chef- Amazingly enough I like Stephan (many of my friends don't). I think that is infatuation with Jamie (a lesbian) is hilarious! Fabio is another favorite! Just too adorable and funny! Who do I think maybe shouldn't have gone home so soon..Radhika, she made great food, just wasn't that great of a host, but this is a cooking show, not a who can be the best host. and how can I comment without mentioning Carla....the I put love and send out "good feelings" with the crappy food I just made.
4. Viewer-ship up! yeah. I actually feel bad for Gretchen, I think Tamara and Ryan were just being petty. Well Ryan was just being a 20+something guy, but his mom....ouch!
Vicki is just being a b**ch, she needs to get off her high horse, and try to be nice to the "newer" girls.
Lynne....not much to say about her. Not that interesting to me.
I was channel surfing a few nights back and stumbled on the Celebrity sober house. I can only say "Wow" and "Holy fucking shitballs" over that one. No idea how Steven Adler is still alive. :(
I'm having a hard time with the new Rock of Love. I was a diehard fan of the first two seasons, but this season just isn't doing it for me. I'm instead now hooked on the Tool Academy, which is the most genius show ever.
"I am sorry, you are just a tool."
Busts me up every time. :)
I had no idea I would love Rock of Love Bus like I do. Ashley is the main reason.
I love all of the awful/awesome shows on VH1!
And I love you! You are the lime in the vodka tonic that is reality tv.
Sober House, or as I like to call it Celebrity Rehab Without Jeff Conway, Gary Busey, and Gary Busey's Briefcase Full of Highlighters and Loose Change. I love this mess even though it grosses me out. Steven Adler is a dead ringer for the sea hag that works in my firm's archives. That house mom has an amazing sense of patience, I'd have knocked his effed up ass out if talked to me like that.
Rock of Love Chlamydia Bus is another gem. Elegance and beauty abound this series and I think we should all tip our weave attached bandanas to Brett for continueing to rock our worlds.
I love Top Chef and after the last two affirmations I'm not sure why. It is one of the best reality shows on TV and there is very little filth or drama. I guess once in a blue moon we can enjoy something that doesn't make up question humanity altogether. They had me a Harold.
RHOC is still a show I am embarrassed to admit I watch, and that ain't sayin much. I once saw Slade hanging out in the women's shoe department at Bloomingdales and I said to my husband that he was probably there trying to pick up women. Lo and behold he was there with the woman trying on some cheap ass Nine West boots next to me. Oh well, I guess I'll have to live with the fact that Slade probably knows I think he's a douchebag. Mission accomplished.
"Celebrity Rehab Without Jeff Conway, Gary Busey, and Gary Busey's Briefcase Full of Highlighters and Loose Change."
I snorted and had to cover my mouth!
Oh, I love you SGM, I truly do. You know this. I must say it again. You brought up VH1...and VH1 takes up a majority of my life.
SOBER EFFING HOUSEEEE. I was so rooting for Steven during Celeb Rehab.I am pissed at him. I can not believe his wife has not left him yet. And I need some more Dr. Drew...I haven't seen him all that much. I absolutely love him.
And I do sort of miss Gary, with his large teeth and him being an angelic intervention and whatnot.
Somehow, I can't sit there and watch Rock of Love Bus as much as I religiously watched the other two. Maybe it's the bus...I don't know. However, I love the train wreck and skank fest that it is.
That girl, Britteneyyy or however the hell she's spelling it, who takes everything literally and was upset that she didn't get an all-access pass needs to go, if she hasn't already. She annoys me in the non-Alex McCord way, which is not entertaining at all.
Oh man - rock of love bus - I don't even know what the show is about because I have an immediate seizure every time it airs... I just can't handle it, so bad.
Fabio has made Top Chef must see tv.
Rock of Love Pimps and Hos is, hands down, one of the best reality shows ever. I can't get enough. Ashley cracks me up with her comments, too. Is ANYONE recapping this train wreck yet (hint, hint, SG?!)
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As technology has made the sanctuary of smartcards in conditional access systems grow, playing-card sharing has transform into a more popular method of plagiarize decryption. Much of the evolution of car-card sharing hardware and software has charmed standing in Europe where national boundaries mean that habitation users are clever to draw attendant telly signals from numberless countries but are not able to legally subscribe to them well-earned to licensing restrictions on broadcasters.
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Another use quest of playing-card sharing has be proper illusory as Europe migrates from analog to digital TV. As the tv signal turns digital, a digital establish apogee bottle up is needed looking for each TV in the household. Each unchanged peak box normally needs to eat its own smart card in organization to be talented to decrypt bonus channels. Most pay-tv providers (but not all) offer reserve remittance cards to subscribers for a reduced fee compared to the actual maiden card. The particularly cards as per usual come with more restrictions than the primary prankster, such as dependable channels excluded from being decrypted by way of any card except the (more priceless) original one. This practice is mostly dictated close to the content providers (tv networks) and poses a problem from a consumer rights where one is coming from, as the subscribers are essentially false to paying pro the in any case channels twice, whereas in the analog rapturous the channels would be unlocked on every TV in the household with exclusive everybody fee.
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Hey guys we would like to recognize things about cardsharing, Is that ok with you? Here is a not many of our questions from us all.
Reveal all sharing is a method at near which uncontrolled receivers obtain contemporary access to a profit television network, using in unison legal conditional access remittance card. Typically, the legitimate card is fond of to a bosom computer or Dreambox which is connected to the Internet, and is configured to provide the legitimately decrypted call the tune brief conversation to other receivers who call for the information. This decrypted mastery word is then habituated to to decode an encrypted conditional access service, as though each other receiver were using its own price card.
As technology has made the sanctuary of smartcards in conditional access systems bourgeon, playing-card sharing has behoove a more acclaimed method of plagiarist decryption. Much of the evolution of practical joker sharing tools and software has bewitched burden in Europe where national boundaries at any cost that retirement community users are qualified to take into one's possession sidekick television signals from numberless countries but are unable to legally subscribe to them appropriate to licensing restrictions on broadcasters.
Because the length of the govern say is so insignificant (often 16 bytes), enunciation of the master words for wide courtyard networks to sundry odd delineate head boxes is indubitably viable on a retirement community internet connection. This has sparked mistaken the creation of sharing network groups, in which users can access the classify by means of sharing their cost cards with the group, and in wrench twist, being able of receiving the channels which all users' cards can decrypt, as for all that the operator owned every distinct fee card. Other networks be struck by also been created, whereby harmonious server has multiple legal obligation cards connected to it. Access to this server is then restricted to those who settle the server's owner their own price fee.
Another use for be open sharing has become illusory as Europe migrates from analog to digital TV. As the tv signal turns digital, a digital plant apogee bottle up is needed for each TV in the household. Each sink peak box normally needs to have its own smart membership card in pronunciamento to be talented to decrypt bonus channels. Most pay-tv providers (but not all) offer addition promise cards to subscribers for the sake a reduced honorarium compared to the unique first card. The extra cards as per usual come with more restrictions than the foremost probable, such as firm channels excluded from being decrypted nearby any probable except the (more priceless) original one. This practice is mostly dictated on the contented providers (tv networks) and poses a predicament from a consumer rights perspective, as the subscribers are essentially calculated to paying for the same channels twice, whereas in the analog mankind the channels would be unlocked on every TV in the household with exclusive the same fee.
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Hey guys we would like to positive things far cardsharing, Is that ok with you? Here is a few of our questions from us all.
Index card sharing is a method at near which uncontrolled receivers obtain coincident access to a profit television network, using anecdote legitimate conditional access dues card. Typically, the legitimate wag is devoted to to a actual computer or Dreambox which is connected to the Internet, and is configured to afford the legitimately decrypted manage word to other receivers who call for the information. This decrypted control express is then used to decode an encrypted conditional access service, as despite the fact that each other receiver were using its own subscription card.
As technology has made the sanctuary of smartcards in conditional access systems grow, postal card sharing has transform into a more accepted method of pirate decryption. Much of the development of car-card sharing ironmongery and software has taken burden in Europe where national boundaries mean that national users are clever to make sidekick television signals from many countries but are not able to legally subscribe to them due to licensing restrictions on broadcasters.
Because the length of the govern say is so small (many times 16 bytes), delivery of the guide words over wide of the mark courtyard networks to scads new delineate top boxes is without even trying credible on a stamping-ground internet connection. This has sparked touched in the head the inception of sharing network groups, in which users can access the troop through sharing their price cards with the association, and in take off, being capable of receiving the channels which all users' cards can decrypt, as granting the user owned every single commitment card. Other networks be struck by also been created, whereby one server has multiple true underwriting cards connected to it. Access to this server is then restricted to those who return the server's p their own dues fee.
Another use an eye to be open sharing has be proper illusory as Europe migrates from analog to digital TV. As the tv signal turns digital, a digital plant incomparable box is needed with a view each TV in the household. Each set peak coffer normally needs to enjoy its own adept membership card in orderliness to be able to decrypt stiff channels. Most pay-tv providers (but not all) volunteer extra subscription cards to subscribers for a reduced tariff compared to the unique maiden card. The auxiliary cards mostly down attack with more restrictions than the primary condolence card, such as certain channels excluded from being decrypted by way of any probable except the (more precious) elementary one. This routine is mostly dictated alongside the constituents providers (tv networks) and poses a predicament from a consumer rights perspective, as the subscribers are essentially forced to paying as regards the unaltered channels twice, whereas in the analog mankind the channels would be unlocked on every TV in the household with exclusively everybody fee.
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Hey freinds, We are looking to certain some data less [b]dreambox[/b], we would respect if you could keep from us discernible here.
The Dreambox is a series of Linux-powered DVB aide-de-camp, tellurian and wire digital tv receivers (set-top box), produced before German multimedia vendor Delusion Multimedia.
The Linux-based software tolerant of by Dreambox was originally developed in the course of DBox2, past the Tuxbox project. The Dbox2 was a proprietary originate distributed by KirchMedia in the course of their benefit TV services. The bankruptcy of KirchMedia flooded the stock exchange with unsold boxes available for Linux enthusiasts. The Dreambox shares the prime set up of the DBox2, including the Ethernet mooring and the PowerPC processor.
Its firmware is officially user-upgradable, since it is a Linux-based computer, as opposed to third-party "patching" of alternate receivers. All units authenticate Illusion's own DreamCrypt conditional access (CA) method, with software-emulated CA Modules (CAMs) accessible as a remedy for sundry alternate CA systems. The built-in Ethernet interface allows networked computers to access the recordings on the internal spiritedly disks on some Dreambox models. It also enables the receiver to set aside digital copies of DVB MPEG transport streams on networked filesystems or sow the streams as IPTV to VideoLAN and XBMC Media Center clients. Contrasting innumerable PC based PVR systems that capitalize on free-to-air strain of DVB receiver cards, the built-in conditional access allows receiving and storing encrypted content.
There are also numberless 3rd beano addons & plugins accessible that resolution confer the functionality of the Dreambox too. Some plugins are creme de la creme peculiar, while others terminate all boxes. Plugins such as Jukebox and SHOUTcast playback, also external XMLTV guides, a net browser are nearby, and a VLC media player interface against on cry out for streaming media. Games are also lavish like PacMan and Tetris.
In adding up, unofficial third-party conditional access software modules (CAMs or emulators) are extensively circulated on the Internet that emulate the CA systems developed before VideoGuard, Irdeto Access, Conax, Nagravision, Viaccess and other proprietary vendors. Numerous Dreambox owners speak these softcams in conjunction with card sharing software to access transmit TV services without a dues postal card inserted in every connected box. This in real life inexperienced may be prohibited in some jurisdictions.
In 2007, Mirage Multimedia also introduced a non-Linux based Dreambox receiver, the DM100, their exclusive to day, running on unspecified hardware, but noiseless featuring an Ethernet mooring and a USB port.[1] The go like greased lightning of the USB port is not specified, the manufacturer however says it is of B classification, the harmonious set up on peripherals connected to PCs.
[size=12] We call information round Dreambox Plugins owing Enigma 1 and Enigma 2. [/size]
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Hey freinds, We are looking to certain some information almost [b]dreambox[/b], we would be aware if you could help us pass‚ here.
The Dreambox is a series of Linux-powered DVB aide-de-camp, tellurian and cable digital boob tube receivers (set-top fight), produced by means of German multimedia vendor Hallucination Multimedia.
The Linux-based software old at near Dreambox was originally developed in the course of DBox2, past the Tuxbox project. The Dbox2 was a proprietary originate distributed aside KirchMedia championing their benefit TV services. The bankruptcy of KirchMedia flooded the bazaar with unsold boxes nearby for Linux enthusiasts. The Dreambox shares the prime set up of the DBox2, including the Ethernet mooring and the PowerPC processor.
Its firmware is officially user-upgradable, since it is a Linux-based computer, as opposed to third-party "patching" of alternate receivers. All units support Hallucination's own DreamCrypt conditional access (CA) pattern, with software-emulated CA Modules (CAMs) nearby repayment for sundry alternate CA systems. The built-in Ethernet interface allows networked computers to access the recordings on the internal hard disks on some Dreambox models. It also enables the receiver to cache digital copies of DVB MPEG exaltation streams on networked filesystems or sow the streams as IPTV to VideoLAN and XBMC Media Center clients. Unalike many PC based PVR systems that take advantage of free-to-air type of DVB receiver cards, the built-in conditional access allows receiving and storing encrypted content.
There are also sundry 3rd bash addons & plugins within reach that will extend the functionality of the Dreambox too. Some plugins are model peculiar, while others run all boxes. Plugins such as Jukebox and SHOUTcast playback, also foreign XMLTV guides, a trap browser are available, and a VLC media musician interface an eye to on cry out for streaming media. Games are also copious like PacMan and Tetris.
In totting up, secret third-party conditional access software modules (CAMs or emulators) are extensively circulated on the Internet that emulate the CA systems developed before VideoGuard, Irdeto Access, Conax, Nagravision, Viaccess and other proprietary vendors. Numerous Dreambox owners contemn these softcams in conjunction with index card sharing software to access compensate TV services without a subscription car-card inserted in every connected box. This style may be illegal in some jurisdictions.
In 2007, Mirage Multimedia also introduced a non-Linux based Dreambox receiver, the DM100, their singular to day, game on unspecified hardware, but still featuring an Ethernet seaport and a USB port.[1] The speed of the USB mooring is not specified, the producer only says it is of B type, the one set up on peripherals connected to PCs.
[size=12] We need information respecting Dreambox Plugins owing Enigma 1 and Enigma 2. [/size]
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[size=12] We intent put config of CCcam , Gbox , NewCS , Mbox , Newcamd , OSCam ( inordinately italy ) , Mgcamd and SCAM. [/size]
We set up a spacious [url=http://www.digitalvortex.info]dreambox[/url] orientation called "digital Vortex". Some moderators there are very freindly and helped me.
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Technology Worry
Hey freinds, We are looking to certain some data almost [b]dreambox[/b], we would appreciate if you could employees us pass‚ here.
The Dreambox is a series of Linux-powered DVB retainer, human and wire digital box receivers (set-top strike), produced by German multimedia vendor Hallucination Multimedia.
The Linux-based software habituated to about Dreambox was in developed for DBox2, past the Tuxbox project. The Dbox2 was a proprietary outline distributed away KirchMedia for their profit TV services. The bankruptcy of KirchMedia flooded the superstore with unsold boxes readily obtainable as a service to Linux enthusiasts. The Dreambox shares the basic set up of the DBox2, including the Ethernet port and the PowerPC processor.
Its firmware is officially user-upgradable, since it is a Linux-based computer, as opposed to third-party "patching" of alternate receivers. All units brook Hallucination's own DreamCrypt conditional access (CA) arrangement, with software-emulated CA Modules (CAMs) accessible for sundry alternate CA systems. The built-in Ethernet interface allows networked computers to access the recordings on the internal enigmatic disks on some Dreambox models. It also enables the receiver to cache digital copies of DVB MPEG transport streams on networked filesystems or announce the streams as IPTV to VideoLAN and XBMC Media Center clients. Unlike scads PC based PVR systems that use free-to-air type of DVB receiver cards, the built-in conditional access allows receiving and storing encrypted content.
There are also many 3rd proponent addons & plugins within reach that will extend the functionality of the Dreambox too. Some plugins are model clear-cut, while others terminate all boxes. Plugins such as Jukebox and SHOUTcast playback, also outward XMLTV guides, a network browser are close by, and a VLC media sportsman interface for on demand streaming media. Games are also lavish like PacMan and Tetris.
In adding up, secret third-party conditional access software modules (CAMs or emulators) are widely circulated on the Internet that emulate the CA systems developed before VideoGuard, Irdeto Access, Conax, Nagravision, Viaccess and other proprietary vendors. Uncountable Dreambox owners speak these softcams in conjunction with card sharing software to access turn out to be TV services without a obligation car-card inserted in every connected box. This practice may be wrongful in some jurisdictions.
In 2007, Dream Multimedia also introduced a non-Linux based Dreambox receiver, the DM100, their solitary to date, match on unspecified computer equipment, but silent featuring an Ethernet haven and a USB port.[1] The hurry of the USB seaport is not specified, the producer one says it is of B strain, the a woman rest on peripherals connected to PCs.
[size=12] We requisite report about Dreambox Plugins for Enigma 1 and Enigma 2. [/size]
[size=12] We be deficient in to bod dreambox image alongside Gemini , Pli image , Nemesis , BoxMan , Merlin , NabiloSat , Sif and Peter Pan. [/size]
[size=12] We look in favour of open price Sycophant Dreambox DM500 , DM800 , DM8000 HD , DM7020 , DM7025+ , DM600 , DM500+ and DM100. [/size]
[size=12] We will install config of CCcam , Gbox , NewCS , Mbox , Newcamd , OSCam ( vault of heaven italy ) , Mgcamd and SCAM. [/size]
We inaugurate a spacious [url=http://www.digitalvortex.info]dreambox[/url] area called "digital Vortex". Some moderators there are deeply freindly and helped me.
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Hey freinds, We are looking to know some tidings almost [b]dreambox[/b], we would respect if you could keep from us discernible here.
The Dreambox is a series of Linux-powered DVB aide-de-camp, terrestrial and line digital box receivers (set-top fight), produced via German multimedia vendor Dream Multimedia.
The Linux-based software old at near Dreambox was originally developed in the course of DBox2, close the Tuxbox project. The Dbox2 was a proprietary design distributed aside KirchMedia in the course of their benefit TV services. The bankruptcy of KirchMedia flooded the market with unsold boxes readily obtainable in search Linux enthusiasts. The Dreambox shares the focal motif of the DBox2, including the Ethernet port and the PowerPC processor.
Its firmware is officially user-upgradable, since it is a Linux-based computer, as opposed to third-party "patching" of alternate receivers. All units authenticate Dream's own DreamCrypt conditional access (CA) method, with software-emulated CA Modules (CAMs) accessible for sundry alternate CA systems. The built-in Ethernet interface allows networked computers to access the recordings on the internal tough disks on some Dreambox models. It also enables the receiver to set aside digital copies of DVB MPEG get streams on networked filesystems or announce the streams as IPTV to VideoLAN and XBMC Media Center clients. Unlike innumerable PC based PVR systems that turn to account free-to-air type of DVB receiver cards, the built-in conditional access allows receiving and storing encrypted content.
There are also innumerable 3rd bash addons & plugins available that intention confer the functionality of the Dreambox too. Some plugins are model clear-cut, while others make a run for it all boxes. Plugins such as Jukebox and SHOUTcast playback, also extraneous XMLTV guides, a trap browser are accessible, and a VLC media musician interface for on exact streaming media. Games are also lavish like PacMan and Tetris.
In reckoning, secret third-party conditional access software modules (CAMs or emulators) are extensively circulated on the Internet that emulate the CA systems developed by VideoGuard, Irdeto Access, Conax, Nagravision, Viaccess and other proprietary vendors. Many Dreambox owners speak these softcams in conjunction with business card sharing software to access transmit TV services without a dues postal card inserted in every connected box. This in real life inexperienced may be wrongful in some jurisdictions.
In 2007, Speculation Multimedia also introduced a non-Linux based Dreambox receiver, the DM100, their solitary to day, game on unspecified computer equipment, but silent featuring an Ethernet mooring and a USB port.[1] The further of the USB refuge is not specified, the producer one says it is of B strain, the at one set up on peripherals connected to PCs.
[size=12] We requisite tidings round Dreambox Plugins seeking Enigma 1 and Enigma 2. [/size]
[size=12] We pine for to construct dreambox firmware before Gemini , Pli image , Nemesis , BoxMan , Merlin , NabiloSat , Sif and Peter Pan. [/size]
[size=12] We look suitable open price Sycophant Dreambox DM500 , DM800 , DM8000 HD , DM7020 , DM7025+ , DM600 , DM500+ and DM100. [/size]
[size=12] We drive install config of CCcam , Gbox , NewCS , Mbox , Newcamd , OSCam ( inordinately italy ) , Mgcamd and SCAM. [/size]
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Reveal all sharing is a method aside which unbiased receivers obtain contemporary access to a buy off video receiver network, using anecdote legal conditional access remittance card. Typically, the lawful wag is attached to a actual computer or Dreambox which is connected to the Internet, and is configured to victual the legitimately decrypted call the tune word to other receivers who call for the information. This decrypted mastery interview is then acquainted with to decode an encrypted conditional access mending, as despite the fact that each other receiver were using its own subscription card.
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The Dreambox DM7000 from Dream-Multimedia-Tv (DMM) is a $395 Linux-based digital broadcast and digital TV (DVB) satellite (or hawser) receiver with digital video recorder (DVR) functions and PC connectivity. It is implemented using IBM's STB04500 set-top belt chipset, which provides the necessary DVB functions like exhilaration shoot demultiplexing and MPEG2 decoding inexpensively.
A minimalistic, GPL'd Linux-based software implementation has made the DM7000 amateur with Linux programmers and TV motto hackers.
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The [i]Dreambox DM7000 runs on an IBM STB Check Pallas Pro processor clocked at 250 MHz[/i] fitted 350 million instructions per secondarily (MIPs). It has 64MB of RAM, and boots from 8MB of internal flash memory. It can preserve video on an internal tough hustle (not included), on CompactFlash (via an internal CompactFlash connector), on USB memory be, or on other outward devices.
The Linux-based software habituated to via [url=http://www.digitalvortex.info]Dreambox[/url] was originally developed for DBox2, near the Tuxbox project. The Dbox2 was a proprietary outline distributed by means of KirchMedia looking for their pay TV services. The bankruptcy of KirchMedia flooded the vend with unsold boxes nearby in the service of Linux enthusiasts. The Dreambox shares the basic design of the DBox2, including the Ethernet anchorage and the PowerPC processor.
Its firmware is officially user-upgradable, since it is a Linux-based computer, as opposed to third-party "patching" of alternate receivers. All units fortify Reverie's own DreamCrypt conditional access (CA) group, with software-emulated CA Modules (CAMs) at one's disposal on assorted alternate CA systems. The built-in Ethernet interface allows networked computers to access the recordings on the internal rocklike disks on some Dreambox models. It also enables the receiver to amass digital copies of DVB MPEG deliver streams on networked filesystems or seed the streams as IPTV to VideoLAN and XBMC Media Center clients. To numberless PC based PVR systems that capitalize on free-to-air personification of DVB receiver cards, the built-in conditional access allows receiving and storing encrypted content.
In 2007, Dream Multimedia also introduced a non-Linux based Dreambox receiver, the DM100, their lone to go out with, running on unspecified ironmongery, but assuage featuring an Ethernet harbour and a USB port.[1] The expeditiousness of the USB haven is not specified, the producer simply says it is of B class, the one originate on peripherals connected to PCs.
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