You are not alone.
Is is just me, or does Ramoner look like she's been dipped in a vat of turd?
What do you think of this sexy-face?

And this one?

The Countess and I have had our differences, but doesn't she look fantastic?

I know that we all love Bethennnnney and her razor-sharp wit, but I think she's a vampire. Or a rectangle.

What about the new housewife Kelly Bensimon?

Season 2 of Real Housewives of NYC premieres on February 17. Be there or be a rectangle.
promo photos courtesy of 360i on behalf of Bravo--thanks Orli.
I can't wait! Do you know if they are still moving forward with the RH of New Jersey?
Oh I'm adding this to my calendar!
p.s. I'm having Nene withdrawals.
i'm getting camel colored boots. done.
rectangle. loved it.
and i got chills. CHILLS. when i saw how effortlessly on your photoshop skills are. xoxo.
Thanks for reminding me when this show returns.
Its very much like a car wreck - its aweful but I can't look away. :)
Don't get me started about how they picked the absolute worst woman to represent Brooklyn woman.
Is it just me or does the Countess' picture look like she has a floating head? Methinks someone hired a retoucher! Also, doesn't rectangle's torso look a bit too narrow for her arms. Just looks weird. Can't wait for the premiere so we can judge some more! Hooray! :)
CAN'T wait for the NY girls. Why did they get a new girl? Did someone drop? I gave my 2 cents on RHOOC yesterday, and it was all I could do to hold back my biting tongue on Vicki. Every minute she's on the screen it's like nails on the chalkboard. The irony of her at the horse races: She looks like a horse, walks like a horse...hell, I want to jump on her back and smack her ass with a riding crop (naturally I'd have a muzzle over her snout so I wouldn't have to hear her howling mating call scream).
One positive thing i can say about the new housewife is that her apartment was featured in a shelter magazine- i think Domino- and at least her decorating had a point of view. I don't remember if i liked it, but at least it wasn't decorated like a bland model home,and it didn't look like the same shit you see on every episode of cribs-all leather sofas and flatscreens. Am i right Sgm, or have you seen any homes you admired in any season of Housewives?
Please tell me why Bravo doesn't pay you - this is some good shit!!
What's up with vampire's feet? HAS ANYONE NOTICED. THEY HAVE SPIKES MID-FOOT.
There goes the neighborhood! I don't know if I can deal with these ladies, and I use that term loosely, again. I will say that while not exactly a socialite, Kelly is big on the social scene in NYC and The Hamptons. She doesn't usually wear much clothing either which means she'll fit right in!
Thw new housewifes dress is afwul. It looks like those WAY too tight ace bandage/mummy wrap outfist that Lynn on RHOC keeps tottering around in. ANyone in NYC with any actual social standing would shoot themselves before being on a reality show so I am not buying it. But isn't there a certain new money low class contingent on the Hamptons now? P. Diddy and the like? Maybe she's in with that bunch because I doubt that she went to Spence or Miss Porters. LOL
Oh. Mah. Goodness.
I have been complaining for months, and now my ladies have returned.
1. Ramoner is a vat of turd.
2. Glad Alex decided to do her hair that day.
3. Is his homosexual panic over yet? Has he come out?
4. I do think LuAnn is gorgeous, however obnoxious she may be.
5. Gosh I have missed Bethenny. She would be my Scarecrow, if I was Dorothy.
6. I just love saying her last name like Tyra does. Hopefully she's either dippy or extravagantly pretentious.
Feb. 17th...I can not WAIT.
nooooooo. Kelly Bensimon is a real woman. i've seen her host fashion interviews, etc. She is going to be RUINED for me! Oh I can't even watch.
Cannot WAIT for this... adding to TiVo immediately!
(And also, I've missed you SGM! Sorry for not commenting in a while. I haven't been watching RHOC, so I haven't felt like I could adequately give my two cents. I have still been reading, though!!!!!!)
Why does it look like they're in the bar of a seedy hotel where the carpets are stained and stinky?
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