Perhaps while [Nevan, Olivia's cousin] is freeloading in your closetless apartment and leaving his skanky socks out for your company to pick up, you can offer him some cash so the next time he gets arrested for soliciting a cock eyed street whore in Palm Beach he can pay for his blow job with cash instead of Oxycontin.
Brilliance. Sheer brilliance.
I am going to see what Chateau de Lu says - per your blog. .....but last night watching the City I was like why does Scented Glossy Blog on this show because Olivia BUGGGGGSSSSS! BIG TIME...with her boring personality - she totally wants Whitney's boyfriend you can see it by the questions she asks -- but she's such a snot -- and her cousin just goes to prove that "certain" rich people have NO CLASS! He needs a heavy dose of reality and Olivia needs is so insecure and needs to get a personality!
I don't watch The Hills--just can't get through it, but I did understand Lucinda's post. That's how magical it is.
lol this is too funny...Olivia is so thrown into that show for no reason at all!
My God, I've missed your blog. So much catching up to do...so little time. This post was the perfect amuse bouche. (Yes, of course I learned that on Top Chef. I'm so cultured now and stuff.)
Olivia Palermo is totally a SGM recap-worthy topic. Are you sure you can't stomach 22 minutes a week of watching her just for us? The number you could do on the lehuser wannabe.
every time i see her I want to squish her head with my index finger and thumb. oh wait. was that harsh?
okay. she does have pretty hair.
I just watched my first episode of 'the city'
that girl is insanely beautiful, you have to admit.
i love the open letter! lol I cant stand her she my be beautiful but she is so annoying and a bitch !
She just said what everyone's been thinking. I'm going to read the full letter now. SGM, you HAVE to watch the show. You can't even imagine!
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