Don't forget to tweet with Bethenny and Tamra during the finale. I will probably be in the fetal position in anticipation of the fight, so I need you to be strong for me and participate in this. No dvr-ing! Start preparing your questions now.
You can start your creative juices flowing by giving me a caption for this photo from Kelly's birthday party:

and this one too (THE SHOES. Or should I say, THE SLIPPERS.):

See you tonight!
photos via Bricks and Stones
Has Jill ever heard of molehills and mountains? Kelly needs to word her up.
At least Kelly is wearing pants, long pants for once!
Did you notice Max is stuffing something in Kelly's mouth AND choking her so she shuts the f**k up!
That's what she said!
"These shoes are rully, rully comfortable"
apparently kelly EATS coke too.
and obvi she's wearing pants to hide her penis.
I think Max and K are engaged in some sort of bizarre, coke-induced, tooth-flossing (with Kleenex mind you!)while-choking ritual, only rully famous people participate in!
I don't know about the shoes(slippers?), wtf is with that crazy top? it looks like she stole someone's shower curtain, or maybe Jill's old drapes? Maybe it's who she is standing next to, but doesn't K look almost shorter and squatter, or maybe it's just she's wearing pants?
Holy catfight! looks like Kelly lost this one.
Caption is: "You promised you'd swallow it, not wipe it!! Now, swallow it, swallow, swallow!!!"
I can't wait for tonight! I love how Bravo puts on several previous episodes too so that we can remember exactly where we left off and then get ready for the next one!
Skank and Skanker
This is what causes the jill/bethany fight? Jill, who whenever near a mike, including at charity events, reminds people to go buy zarin fabric is pissed that bethany, who is supplying liquor used the space behind the bar to advertise herself? And she sides with ramoner, who is supplying barbie sized portions of her shit for the gift bags? wtf?
I think Ramona started a pissing contest because that's what she does! I agree with the above comment! Who cares if her sign is up there?
Kelly, WTF are you wearing? Seriously? That top is hideous and those jeans are so inappropriate for a 40 year-old to wear to her birthday party. Grow up already!
I can not wait, yet I really don't want to witness a Bethenny/Jill fight. Frankly, I'm scared.
I was also going to say that Kelly needs to stop with the cocaine. She's so doped up she has begun to eat it.
This either (a) Kelly's audition for Bad Girl's on Oxygen Channel or (b) what led Kelly to hit (alledgedly) Max and then him to press charges.
SGM!!! I just saw Bethenny at her book signing. She said she was going to start calling Kelly "Kelly Bitchsimon." It was fantastic. Then she said "she's terrible." Oh, and she looks/talks/etc exactly like she does on TV.
Caption: "Squeeze harder, I am about to cum!"
1) where's my live blog?
2) Ramoner definitely just said "kah-doze to everyone." isn't it Kudos? ahhh Ramoner.
"You're like a foo foo! A tutu foo foo!"
Greatest line.
I was def. holding my breath during the first segment and the damn charity meeting. Such tension!
And I was also dreading Bethenny/Jill drama, but it was quickly resolved, thank goodness.
I completely died with Simon and Ramoner dancing. It was insane. Simon's random high knee chorus line-esque moves...oh my. The look on dear Bobby Zarin's face was priceless, though.
All in all, I think it was a fab ending to their second season.
OMG, if you haven't seen the sneak peek of the reunion show yet, here is the link:
The Kelly video is the BEST! She makes no sense at all and then the tears? "I don't need a tissue"? The reunion is going to be SO GOOD.
I still haven't seen it, but chuckling how Bethenny tried to tell Kelly about coming from a place of "yes," why does that NOT include sacrificing her new logo, Skinny girl margaritas, or her product placement deal with Frangelico. It's a charity, for gawdssake. It's not a "let's focus on Bethenny moment."
We all know she dumped Alex's logo---why is Bethenny blameless??
People can laugh all they want, but Bethenny started the charity war---shouldn't she be above reproach? And truly, does anyone rully think Jill Zarin is brainwashed??? No. She was pissed at B, whether right or wrong.
To Anon 3:54...sure Jill mentions Zarin Fabrics whenever she's near an open mike...but she backs it up with stuff in the gift bag (she's sure her generosity will bankrupt Bawby)...but according to you, Bethenny just cashes in---doesn't give others the chance to advertise (and Jill, the money from hat) because why???
Oh holy hell, the live blog thingie isn't working for me. I am going to die. Anyone else having a malfunction issue?
And Tamra, start blogging already!
Kelly/Max photo caption:
"Quick, swallow my coke balloon while nobody's looking - we can finish it up in the morning before your court appearance."
I am officially done with Jill. I hope that Gloria is hanging her head in shame at the maj jhong table.
I really can't get over Kelly's hideous outfit at her party. The slutty hobbit outfit would've worked way better. I can't remember where I saw this quote, but I stumbled upon a blogger who had that ho-rrific photo of Kelly in the purple dress...the one with Gabrielle Reece, where Kelly's fake boobs are part fried egg, part standing on attention? And the girl who posted it was like, "Perhaps this is the best example of 'I'm up here and you are down here!'"
So hysterical...I wish I thought to send it to you, I know you'd love it!
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