Part 2 of the Real Housewives of New York City is TONIGHT, and it promises to be even better than Part 1. Watch this clip--it's mostly about the Countess (and it will make you CRINGE) but then there's some classic Kelly and Bethenny at the end.
Everyone, including the adorable Jew-fro'd Andy Cohen, wants Kelly to explain/defend her infamous "up here down there" comment, but this next clip shows that she is incapable of answering any sort of direct question. Here is Kelly spouting a bunch of nonsense and ending up telling Bethenny that they "could have been best friends" because they're "COMPLETELY different," yet "EXACTLY the same."
Of course.
jill and ramona are a couple of hyena's - SHUT UP!!! seriously they need to shut the hell up.
oops my bad - i meant jill and bethany are a like a couple of hyena's!!!! i guess ramona could fit in there too :)
You are so right! Kelly is really only capable of respiration. She is so infuriating because she thinks everybody wants to be her friend or be like her and if they don't it's because they are jealous. I love how she relates everything back to grade school because that's clearly where her social and intellectual development ended. She's really an awful person and I sincerely hope she does not return next season -- it's clear all the others loathe her.
It is clear that kelly is not very popular with the cast.
Her lack of lucidity and cohesiveness makes every one of her conversations... confusing.
I know what she says, but I never know what she means! What I got out of it? She and Bethany are differently similar. Hmmm, it's like when someone nods their head yes while they say No.
Did you read Bethenny's Bravo blog? She asks if English is Kelly's first language. I laughed pretty hard at that.
Kelly really can't make heads or tails of anything she says. Her rationalizing her past statements are painful.
I think Jill needs her own show. :)
I think part 1 gave me the stomach flu. My favorite words of wisdom that Kelly barfed out "I'm not gonna cry about crying" And the whole "explanation" about the lawsuit. Whatever lady, can we say parallel universe?!? Romoner sort of looked like she was having mini seizures too at times. I couldn't handle watching the New Jersey episode after watching Part 1 - my nerves....
I'm watching the Countess while this whole convo unfolds... her expressions are great. I don't care what anyone says, I'm a countess fan.
The best is when she says she's a blond. Watch Luann's face when she says that.
LOL! Love your blog. I can't wait until tonight. I am looking forward to seeing how many more times Andy says, "Mazel." Hope you add The Fashion Show -- Mizrahi is fabulous and Merlin is just crazy wonderfulness to watch!
Kelly is definitely from another realm. She's as dumb as a box of rocks, and really needs to learn that the more she tries to backpedal the worse she sounds. Of course, she'll never figure that out. I think she has early Alzheimers or something.
are you jewish? only someone jewish could say "jew-fro" and have it not be offensive... just wondering.
The reunion part one was exhausting. What a bitch fest. Just watching Ramoner spazzing, twitching, flailing, standing up, sitting down,and making arguments all at the same time, oh dear God!
Kelly is as dumb as a bag of hair.
I will need a drink while watching this evening's second half, and perhaps a translator for Kelly's interpretations of the facts!
I LOVE Kelly's comments, followed by everyone jumping on her, with Ramona's shrieks of glee and disbelief. Because for once, I was right there with her.
I loved it when Kelly was complaining that everyone was talking about this and that on the past shows and she says "I just want to talk about fun stuff, interesting stuff". OMG The others, including Andy, says to her, "That's why you're here, to discuss this seasons shows!".
It actually made me cringe. Kelly does not answer anything, it is so bizarre, and what's with that no crying over men bit - she's no girls girl, I'll tell you that much. When the ladies were all yelling, I had to fast forward, I couldn't take it.
Please tell me your RHNJ re-cap is coming - it was a MOST excellent premiere.
I enjoyed Luann finally getting down and dirty. I actually think one of the highlights of the reunion show was when Luann asked Kellly if she had any girl friends. Ouch!!
i LITERALLY clicked over here JUST to say that i hoped more than anything you had a screen cap of kelly doing that expression.
As a Jewess in the jewiest possible way, I hereby give SGM and all of her followers my blessing in using the term "jew-fro". Get over yourself and your pc ridiculosity.
That last post was from me, Mommy Elaine - I hit post too fast - before i could include my name.
SGM, you are my gentile bestie and I love you.
I'm watching the finale part 2, and it finally made me de-lurk. Wow. Do these women get a bonus everytime they start a fight?
I loved Ramona telling Kelly that she didn't know how to answer a question - I'm guessing there will no Ramona-Kelly time next season?
i'm watching the recap part deux. it's almost over and i won't spoil it for any of you that haven't seen it yet. all i'll say is: andy cohen needs a hug (and several shots of vodka). sgm, i wish you could go to him right now. really. it's that crazy.
I will defend SGM's "jew-fro" comment too. I am jewish and dont find it offensive at all. Just flat out funny and a perfect description of Andy's hair. Keep 'em coming biatch!
Holy shit! Cant believe how crazy that was. How much did u want to jump out of your chair and just shake the shit out of kelly?
Did anyone else notice that they were kinda separated into teams on the 2 couches?
After this whole reunion process I have decided to like Alex more. She is confident, lucid and honest. Weird, but so what.
Btw, how good did luann look? She totally outshone horse faced kelly, who gets uglier every time she opens her mouth.
Btw, I also love how you catch Kelly in her most annoying facial expressions ever. You know, the faces that make me want to hit her, THOSE!
Wanna come over and watch tv with me every night?
What a freak show! I don't think I've ever witnessed someone as clueless as Kelly. The "exactly the same" and "totally different" in the stretch of a couple minutes? Then the weird blonde/brunette thing?
I only wish Simon had been there--then it would have been perfect!
Me and Anonymous @ 6:24 are on the same wavelength- I was totally hoping you'd capture that face. My day = FREAKIN' OFFICIALLY MADE.
I love those screen shots too. I am sitting here giggling at them. Kelly is such a tard.
Thank you so much for watching this show with me. It makes me so happy.
(and thanks to my Jewish love, Mommy E, for having my back. I am forever your shiksa)
Sexfro. I believe that is the acceptable term for us goyim who don't have an official pass.
My plants are insulted by this headline.
Gosh I wish I had seen it. I'm seriously having nervous twitches because I had to work on Tuesday AND Thursday.
Oh please let Hulu have them both. AGH.
And Jew-Fro for sure. There truly is no other way to describe it.
My 15 year old son watched the first five minutes of the Reunion part 2 with me, and this is what he said:
"What's wrong with those women, Mom? Their logic is broken. They're broken, Mom."
What social circle does Kelly run in? I didn't realize there were enough orange dumbasses in NYC to consistute a social set.
Oh my Gawd. The still frames of Kelly are lovely! Bwahahahaha. Dumber than a plant! LOL
Amazing. My day has been made! Thanks ;)
I hope all the New York housewives return for the third season. I look forward to watching Kelly try to redeem herself. After all, anything is possible.
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