Kelly's friend: "Kelly! Glad you could make it. These are little cakes called cupcakes."
Kelly: "Like, how am I supposed to eat these? I'm like, skinny enough as it is!"
Friend: "Well, I guess you could just throw them up later."
Kelly: "I just had a rully rully awesome idea. We should totally like, start a line of cupcakes called Skinnygirl Cupcakes!"
Friend: "Hmmm. Why does that sound so familiar?"
Kelly: "It's a totally awesome amazing idea. Let's go find some blow."

What is that woman wearing? I mean, "Stah! Stah stah!"
That's hilarious SGM! When I first glanced at the invitation, I thought, wasn't she already an "A" for Halloween. Great photoshopping skills. lol! It's a complete foil.
Don't tell, she is pooping out cupcakes for the party on the invitation. Keep those legs spread, Kelly, it's like spicy cupcakes from behind for everyone!
Is it me or is one of the spikey gates headed straight for her twat?
I heart your PS skilz (as the kids say).
Wonder what time she arrived? Midnight?
OK, aside from all that, WHAT is she WEARING?! Seriously. It is hid. And her friend rully rully wants to look like Rachel Zoe.
Holy Olsen twins!! What is that old hippie wearing NOW?
That is one fugly invite, she totally needs to hire me.
Well she is smiling while being the A so I really really want to be a part of this.
It's so lovely to see she got dressed up for the occasion. Looks like she got in a fight with a paper shredder. Oozing with class!
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