1. Please see the NYTimes feature on the Jersey hobags.* If you haven't already seen Danielle's house tour (also part of the piece) on Decorno, well. You're going to need to do that ASAP.
2. Gawker's recap.
Thanks to all who sent me links.
Gotta go--it's time for me to hop on the bandwagon. Holla, Nuggets!

*I don't really think they're hobags (except for Danielle, of course). I was just trying to show off.
Is there a RH 12 step program?
Because I'm getting scarily addicted. I wish I could quit them!!
Were they all drunk in that clip? I missed the episode, but it seems like they're just wasted! I need to watch it asap!
that home tour is...tragic? i have no other words.
Oh god damn you you NUGGETS GOD DAMN YOU.
I love Birdman though. Ever since they got rid of my homeboy Earl Boykins (he was MY HOMEBOY 'cuz we're relatively the same size I think, at least he looked that way while playing), I find Birdman a fun replacement to watch. I go after the weird ones.
Hi there. Just found your blog, and I LOVE it. I posted about it on my blog because my friends and I are big on Bravo reality shows.
I so enjoy reading your weekly updates on these Bravo shows!
From the tattoos it looks like his armpit B.O. is so bad it's giving off flames!
You are the ONLY white suburban mom who can pull off "Holla" with any credibility.
I seriously don't understand how a woman who doesn't work can live in that house and then bitch about her husband not giving her enough dough. Get a smaller pad or job woman!
Have you seen this? HILARIOUS!
Sorry, but I can't stand gawker's recaps. Way too much shit to have to wade thru to get to the lowdown. Missing your recaps bigtime! Come back to us honey.
OMG Paloma I almost peed my pants. That was awesome! I've totally adopted the phrase"you ruined my joy!"
Oh, I would pay money to see a season of Frankenface from OC, The Wig of ATL, Skelly of NYC and now Manielle all together. The possibilities .... scavenger hunt, charades, fashion show, decorate a house, do each others hair, give one another parenting advice.
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