Take THAT, Kelly! Nevah, evah flirt with Bethenny's man. (Isn't that Beth whats-her-face sitting next to Kelly?)
Also, check this shit out:

One more thing: Bethenny is claiming that she can make Oprah thin with virtually no exercise. How? By making Oprah a fragile neurotic wreck who asks for relationship advice from Silex? Just jokes, Bethenny! (Oh God, I hope I haven't pissed her off.)
There's an RHOC/RHNYC marathon on right now for those of you who'd like to catch up. See you soon!
HA HA... biatch! I'm counting down the minutes.
OMG! What's your Twitter name?
Ha! That's awesome Bethenny is following your Twitter! I have to admit, she's the only one on that show I feel I could stand in real life.
Who's Silex, SGM?
Wanna be friends with me on Twit? I'm ScandyHW. You can click on my website.
Not going to be able to watch RHONYC until tomoro!
her book better make me thin, if she can do it for oprah...she can do it for everybody.
Bethenny is also one of my 5 twitter followers. I think she does that so you won't tweet bad things about her--which is totally working from my end.
On the other hand, Olivia Palermo rejected my request to follow her. Snotty bitch.
Can't wait for your RHONY recap!
Oh Kelly! Can you be any more narcissistic and vapid?
If you are expecting future fashion week invites you must get your publicist on it pronto - you have made one big- ass mess for him or her to clean up
I turned to my hubby after yet another Kelly segment and said..."Is she stupid....or just really shallow? It's hard to tell. I like bethany... i wish she was my friend. how dare kelly tell her that she's not funny in next weeks trailer. "Oh no she dint!"
what the hell is wrong with kelly!! she might be the stupidest person on this show - and given Romoner is a cast mate - that is saying something. she seems so shallow, forced and just plain dullsville. and what is with the ho shorts 24/7????? buy a pair of jeans. on second thought, don't. if you let us look at your gorgeous legs that means we don't have to look at your facial expression!!
whew- thanks for that SGM. Love you, girl.
I think I may be the only one that, doesn't dis-like kelly. I don't GET her, but no dislike. Just mild curiosity about her lifestyle and how it was/is afforded. She must sell a hella amount of coffee table books.
What is wrong with Kelly's mouth? Is it just that she has a horrendous overbite?
I've never seen anyone that old, a graduate of Columbia, no less, use the word "like" so often. Anyone wondering about how she supports herself and how she was hired to run Elle Accessories need only look to her much-older ex, the international director of Elle magazine. I didn't think it was possible to dislike someone more than the Discountess. Teedah!
Bethanny is the only housewife to date that I would like to be friends with. Oh and also funny, I was shopping at Neiman Marcus in Newport Beach with my mom and spotted Bravo recruiting for the OC Housewives series!! They totally got caught and kicked out by security!! AHAHA love it!!!
Kelly is getting a little long in the tooth to be wearing such a young, short mini dress. She's so wrapped up in herself that she doesn't listen when someone else (Bethany) tries to comment on knowing some of the same people. She just goes on as if you didn't say anything. Just blah blah blah he's so amazing, I just love their aesthetic blah blah blah. And then she accuses Bethany of one-upping her? Riiight...
I still don't understand why Kelly is on this show. Her personality is so dry - and cut-off jeans?? Come ON. We know your legs are long but sometimes less is more, girl.
She's stalking you! She's obsessed! I loooove it!!!
I think it's hilarious that Kelly describes herself as "private." A private person choosing to be on a reality show? And then not getting that part of the deal is doing things with women you don't know very well who have opted to be on the same show? HUH????? Her thought process just baffles me.
I think she was rude to poor Ramoner when she showed up to support her at the horse show, and coming HALF AN HOUR LATE to a meeting is just plain lousy.
Surely we all know people like Bethenny; they're great if they like you, but if they don't, boy do you know it!! But you may not know why. I'm still in her corner, though.
I can't stand Kelly. I literally want to reach through the screen and give her a good shake. I dislike her MORE than the Countess, which is saying something. Perhaps it is because I have grown accustomed to the ways of LuAnn, but anyone who thinks that Bethenny is not funny has some serious problems. Everything she does makes me angry. When she was first describing her life and how she was surrounded by men all of the time, I was annoyed. And now she's attacked Bethenny. I can not wait for Miss B. to knock some sense into her.
"I think I may be the only one that, doesn't dis-like kelly."
That doesn't surprise me, Megan.
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