2. Bravo tells me that a series of Bethenny impersonating Jill is in the works. Can Bethenny sustain a entire show pretending to be Jill screaming for Bahhhhhbby, Aaaaally and her pockabooks?

3. From newyorksocialdiary.com:
Counts, countesses and no-accounting: Word comes from across the sea, that New York Housewives’ Luann deLesseps has flown off (desperately?) to Europe to see husband Alex in an attempt to save their crumbling marriage. Alex, the Count de Lesseps has, it is said on the streets of Geneva, taken up with a beautiful Ethiopian beauty who is not only quite a bit younger than he but also quite a bit younger than his wife.The Count needs to be taught some manners, huh? And someone definitely needs to cut off his supply of Viagra. Read the rest of the article here. Thanks, Heather.
4. Thanks to the anon who alerted me to the article here that divulged the ages of the NYC housewives. Ramoner is 52?! No fucking way! ALLEGEDLY, the Countess is 43 and Jill is 45. Thoughts?
Wow--are you sure Bravo is turning the impersonation into a series? I thought it was an online thing. Truth be told, I didn't get through the first impersonation. I think Bethenny has Jill's mannerisms down, but honestly, her voice and accent are more grating than Jill's when she's not trying! I also have gauged Jill's reaction, on the show when Bethenny does Jill and I don't think Jill is a big fan.
Interesting rumour on Le Countess. We all know she is Alex's **4th** wife (and the only one to bear a son...which, my love, is ultra important regarding titles and family jewels)
It was alluded to in one of the recent episodes (where LuAnn gave Bethenny some dating advice) that Mrs Delesepps had been seen all over creation with men (not her husband). The local tabs had a field day with the Countess's drunken escapades last summer and there was a particularly embarrassing moment at a wedding she attended.
Perhaps the Countess is racing over to Europe because there's been another outbreak of head lice? Yeah, either that or The Count has a hussy on the side....either one. Keep us posted SGM!!
I can't believe I missed them on Chelsea Lately! I love those two! I cannot wait for tomorrow's episode with the confrontation between Kelly and Bethenny.
Interesting rumors about La Comtesse.
I loved that video. Bethenny is hilarious. Did she steal Silex from you? But, yes, Beth, suck it up: BJs are king. Sorry, they are.
And you can bet Ms. de L. isn't giving them either. How can you talk with your mouth full of that? And she never shuts up.
New Yorka, I am sure. I asked twice. I too thought it was a little over the top and agree that it will ultimately hurt their friendship.
Paloma, yes! Does anyone know if nysocialdiary usually on the money?
Hello gorgeous, sadly, Silex is not my invention. I think I picked it up from B. The visual of Jill giving Bobby a bj...no.
okay if ramoner is 52 that explains the crazy eyes - botched eye job!!
i cannot wait for the b & k smack down this week!
Whah? the Count-Ass is Scandy's age? I thought she was fo' shizzle in her 50's.
Gotta go check myself before I wrecck myself...
According to this article in the NY post: http://www.nypost.com/seven/03292009/tv/housewives_cat_fight_brings_out_the_wors_161637.htm
it looks like it was Ramona who had the brilliance to suggest to kelly that having a heart to heart with bethenny was a good idea.
Gotta love Ramona...I hope you and her physcians never do figure out the right balance of antipschyotic meds.
During the Hope Lodge incident, didn't the Countess say her husband was 60 and she was 15 years younger, hence 45?
Also, would she ever let a divorce happen...wouldn't that mean she would lose her title?
Not so surprised at Ramoner being 52, but Kelly Bensimon -- 40? Oh, please.
SGM-Are you stalking again?
Leave that woman alone!! AHHAAA I kid I kid! But seriously, scary huh?
omg that chelsea handler video was so good I had to watch it twice! thank you for itttt
omg, I'm probably at the top of the suspect list. I threatened her in every single post!
"But, yes, Beth, suck it up: BJs are king. Sorry, they are."
Please: Don't do the "cool mom" thing and say things like "BJs are king." It's just sad.
After all, isn't this the biggest lesson of all the Real Housewives? Don't try to be The Cool Mom. Don't be Dina Lohan.
Just a fact, anon. Sorry you can't handle it like a grownup.
What was "cool mom" about that comment? Jill said it and I agree too. It would only be cool mom if she was teaching her daughter the finer points on a you tune video. Lighten up Anon.
I can't believe Bethenny is only 38. She's barely older than I am and yet she looks like she's got at least 10 on me.
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