I was worried that the ladies of NYC wouldn't pull through with their share of Cops-worthy scandal, but thanks to Kelly Bensimon, it's happened! Who knew she had it in her?
For those of you keeping score--
Atlanta: Sheree is being sued by her divorce attorneys to the tune of $87,000 (if they can find her--she's avoiding service)
OC: Gretchen's crazy bananas boyfriend called 911 on her, and on the tape is evidence that she's a big fat LIAR.
NYC: Kelly Bensimon, arrested for servin' up a knuckle sandwich to her boyfriend. Nice work, slugger!
Who's next? I heard Vegas is taking bets. (just kidding.) (but they should totally get in on this action, huh?)
Thanks so much to all of you tipsters (including you and you)!
wowsersss! thanks for passing on the juice.
he probably tried to talk to her before she rode.
also - i can't believe you didn't mention bethanny's comment!
Anit-pop, just doing my job. :)
anon, Probably! I can't wait to see what happens with K and B this season. B threw the first punch (metaphorically speaking) with telling Jill that K was mid-40s. !!! We shall see.
Good lord. The hits just keep on coming! Love it.
Sounds like they all three need the Countess' new book. I'm so glad the picture of Simon is further down now so when I check your blog it's not the first thing I see. Your blog is so hilarious!
i bet she can throw a mean punch. pretty girl, but not a lot of femininity there.
gretchen is a hot tranny mess. that whole boyfriend thing...he is nuts and just wants his own 15 min of fame right now.
Kelly...hummm I like a sistah who can throw a punch, and hold a 30-ish boyfriend, be rich as sin, hot as hell, and have an exhusband who is a fantastic fashion photog.
I think I might be a little jealous now that I think about it.
I agree w. I heart you, kelly is pretty but wow! broad shoulders on her...I bet she could throw down hard.
Okay, Trenches of Mommyhood told me about your blog and I am in love.
I just blogged about my shame/love for Real Housewives... now I must blog about you.
You made my day! Nothing makes me happier than to see the pain of the shallow...thanks!
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