Thanks to Bravo, I have two copies of Class with the Countess to give away.*
1. Enter to win by emailing me at scentedglossymagazines@gmail.com with your best story about bad manners and/or why you desperately need this book. (and if you are wondering, you do desperately need this book)
2. Entries are due by this Wednesday at midnight EST.
3. The winners will be notified on Thursday, and the winning entries will be posted here (anonymously, if desired) on Friday.
4. I will expect, but not require, book reviews from the winners. Mmmm hmmm.
There you have it. Good luck!
I leave you with a lesson in manners, taught by the Countess herself. The question is, "what do you do when a bug-eyed flailing nutcase tells you that she thinks your husband is an old man?" Apparently the answer is that you make fun of her bug-eyes and tell her that she's rude and has no manners. Watch and learn, my friends. Watch and learn. (If you're reading this through a reader, click on through)
*Sadly, I have not laid my hands on the book yet, but it will be shipped to the winners directly from Bravo when it is released in April.
I think the best example of bad manners is every episode of this show! Having good manners means that you graciously ignore someone else's bad manners. Telling someone that they have bad manners means that you have bad manners. I wonder if The Countess covers this in the book. I think Bravo should send me a free book for watching this ridiculous train wreck of a show!
is there a chapter on how to give backhanded compliments and undermine everyone while still feeling like respectable human being? if so, sign me up!
I'd rather read your outtakes.
Did you know that Slimex have a book coming out: Urban Parenting... or How to Let Your Children Run Rampant Over Your Lives and Homes and Dinner Parties.
I cannot WAIT to make fun of that.
As for the C-word (Countess, that is :-)? Puh-leeze.
She did not just make fun of Ramona's bug eyes. Them's some kinda New York manners, I guess. Is there a chapter to her book called How to Wear a Skirt Without Showing Your Balls O' Steel?
*Oops. Make that How to Let Your Faux French Children Run Rampant...
Poor Countess LuAnn, Mrs. De Lessups. How horrific for Ramoner to imply that a 27 year old "model" marrying a 42 year old 4 times divorced man was somehow skewed. I'm sure she just loved his "young mind and young body" and the money, the title, and her floundering career selling polyester shirtdresses in downscale catalogs had nothing to do with the union.
Dragging my ass to yoga right now, but when I get back...oh SGM, I will have to open the vault that has made my proper Southern Mama cringe (I mean, if she knew about it all!)
Ramona has no filter and really has no idea how hurtful she can be. She is dangerous. I cannot believe she insulted LuAnn in front of her daughter. It's one thing to make a comment like that in front of the women only but to put down Alexandra's parent's union was just unforgivable.
Fox News to feature Kelly's legal scandal on Kelly's Court this morning
She's really made the "big time" now-
I agree with Anon. That was painful to watch! Between Ramona's unfiltered mouth and LuAnn's insane level pretension, they could both use some manners.
I can't wait for those reviews!
LMAO...I flew over here when I read about the arrest...didn't realize you'd already commented.
I had to come back (now having commented 3 times on 1 post - sorry!) to make sure I didn't defend Ramona.
I actually didn't watch the entire video. She does say the damndest things. And because people always think my husband is much older (he's not - he's just gray), I totally side with the Countess on this one. Take that, bug eyes.
Yes, I have to side with Countess Von Asshole on this one. And yes,Ramoner has NO filter! Saying that kind of thing is meant to be insulting and saying it in front of her daughter is just plain despicable.
I cannot believe how crass the title is! Class my ass!
I assume the winner will have to send thank you notes to both you and the Bravo executives?
I knew you were working for Bravo now!
a more accurate title
The show makes me flinch so I've only caught bits and pieces when commercials are running on the shows I'm actually watching. I even stopped that habit last night when I heard the "countess" use her title when ordering pizza. Please !!!
I agree, don't say things like that in front of a child about their father. I'm with the Countess on this one. I think that the Countess should have told Victoria to wait outside for a few minutes and then laid into ol' Bug Eyes or ol' Bug Eyes should have realized what her unfiltered pie hole said and apologized to Victoria. It's obvious Ramoner talks out of her a---, she doesn't have the facts but she's got to judge people and let them know she's judging. Kelly's five minutes on the show were a complete waste of time, she is so irrelevant. It's as if she's there to remind us that she's 10 feet tall with legs that start at my shoulders and leads a fabulous life (minus the arrest). As for Bethenny, I was dissappointed that she was so offended by Luanne. We all know that magazines airbrush, period. It's as if that's the one thing she's completely insecure about for all her talk about being a successful, school of hard knocks businesswoman. I would have laughed and said something about airbrushing my thighs. But she kept at it and at it. Shut up already, isn't it enough that you're a size 0!!! I think I'm having more fun watching Alex and Simon and their kids in all their pretentiousness.
Real Housewives spotting! I was politely drinking my margarita at Javier's last night when in walks mamma Jeana!!! I tried several times to take a picture with my camera phone so I could send it to you but she was on to me. Ahhhaaa
Ramoner was out of line yes. But only for making the comment in from of LuAnns daughter. Luann however I don't feel sorry for I mean your husband was 42 when you married him at 27. Not a big deal at all but lets not be in denial that he is older than you. Really that was the entire point.
And could someone not correct the countess on the proper term. It's Native American not American Indian
What I have learned from the Countess: I can say whatever I please as long as I throw in a "Lovey" "Darling" or "Sweetie somewhere. You know, cause that makes it all ok!
The Countess and her noblesse oblige--how lowclass can one get when one has to relentlessly remind everyone, including herself that she's the Last Word in Manners and all things etiquette.. At the Hope Lodge luncheon she drops a casual, "As we say in French, 'bon appetit'" (shouldn't that be "as we say in FRANCE?"). Yeah..a couple of French words DO come to mind...like douche and such.
just thought you should know, (in case you didn't already see it)hereGretchen dating Slade! Could be just old B being sarcastic, but if it's true, wtf?
Tamra will have a s@$%fit!
Dayum! How'd you swing that, sugar? I'm impressed! Especially since I've been watching the marathon on TV the last two days. I was never into the NY housewives until now. All of it does make me miss NeNe though. Mucho.
OK, I'll email you now...
That woman has absolutely no class. I have no idea why she wrote a book.
Amusing that the cover of the book about class is basically a down-the-shirt photo.
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