Big news, everyone. All participants in The 2nd Annual SGM High Roller March Madness Challenge are invited on an all-expenses paid trip to Bora Bora!
(I KNOW. I just cashed my AIG bonus check. PAR-TAY!)
Just click on the link. Join. Make your picks. Start packing. Deadline is Thursday at 12 noon (EST).
Oh, and you're gonna want to check this out:
Real Housewives of New Jersey premieres May 12.
Terms and Conditions:
Please be aware that any or all of the statements in this post may be construed as unethical, misleading or false. SGM is simply trying to drum up a little excitement for her March Madness pool since 98% of you ignored the invitation in her last post. Those who continue to disregard her polite requests do so at their own risk.
OMG, I have died and gone to NJ. I have missed housewives of NJ since the Sopranos ended.
The girls of Texas need representation here....Scandy and Lushess from The Scandalous Housewives would be my choice.
You had me at the title...
oh, i'm all over the jerz housewives!
and i would represent on the march madness - if i knew a thing about bball. :(
WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT? Jersey? Really? Are we doing this!?
WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT? Jersey? Really? Are we doing this!?
Wow! I have a feeling Jersey will be awesome.
Is it just me, or does anyone else think the friend in the fuchsia halter at the end of that clip looks just like Jessica Szohr aka Vanessa from Gossip Girl?
SGM, there is so much to discuss from last night's RHONY! Can you believe Kelly and Sam from Top Chef "cook together"? And Silex met when they were just looking for bootycalls online? Priceless! There hasn't been enough of Jill or Bethenny in the past couple of episodes, though.
OMG! Were do we start? This is going to be so much fun. Roll on May 12th.
YES, we are definitely doing Jersey. It looks too good to pass up.
Oh my GAWD. Only thing that could have equaled this would have been RHO Lung Eyeland!
Phone sex? She admitted that? Oy. This is gonna be good.
Can you imagine having phone sex with that VOICE? Oy is right.
OK, hands down this WILL be the best Housewives yet. Anything Jersey's got my number. BTW, I'll have you know that being unemployed for the last month has meant that I'm fully hooked on more reality TV than I ever thought possible, including your RHONY. It amazes me how important these women think they are...I loooove it!!
You've probably already seen this, but WOW.
btw, I can't figure out how to email you, I am dense.
Oh, good Jesus. This is where I may have to drawer the line. Yoiks.
Btw, I love seeing your headlines on serious design blogs. :-)
March Madness and RHONJ! Could this day get any better?
oh good lord. If he drives a Mercedes will she sleep with him on the first date? Lets do a bracket for THOSE odds.
sorry girly...I don't know anything about college ball I can't participate ;( but I'm so down with the trip
forgot to say
WWWRIGHT? with the head snake side to side and a finger up all Jersey style
Holy phone sex Gucci man frizzy hair bada bing bada boom with acrylic tips! This--THIS is what I have lived for 36 years to view: RHONJ. I simply cannot wait.
p.s. Although I am sorry to say that basketball does nothing for me.
I love my state! Good old NJ, good old crazy Housewives.
These women remind me of...well, probably their daughters who come down here to go to the beach. I'm sensing lots and lots of Guid action.
I suspect that this was the holy grail that some ironic genius at Bravo was shooting for, all along.
French pedicures, lipliner for days and more Cavalli than you shake a titty at is what I'm thinking.
To die for.
We dig you.
tell me that is a parody. please tell me that is a snl parody.
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