How fableeous does our girl NeNe look?! I seriously had to double-check to make sure that Christian was not snuggling up to Mary J. Doesn't Vicki look like she was just trying to get a photo of herself with NeNe when Christian was all "hey, fierce bitches!" and then launched himself right into their laps? I bet you Andy's mojito that Vicki is thinking "damn, he weighs a lot more than he looks."
photo from here
I can't stop looking at Vicki's lips. Ew.
NeNe does look amazing though.
Vicki looks especially haggard.
Would it be weird if I photoshop Jeff Lewis' head over Andy's, and use this pic as my X-mas card?
I need to do some research on how old Vicki actually is.
Natalie, not weird. BRILLIANT.
OMG I saw the preview for the recap show and had to turn the channel. It's such a train wreck. One that I can't even watch. SGM I am feeling pain for you when you recap.
how do you like the excuse that Kim is losing her hair to cancer...and one of the girls calls her a flat out liar?
all that on a preview? Lordie
NeNe's hair looks soooo much better!!! That's the best shot of her I've ever seen. I think she's the general favorite from RHoA.
I love that NeNe. She and Lisa are my faves. DeShawn is OK, but she feels like a ventriloquist to me, since she never really moves her mouth. Seriously, watch her. Constant smile, somehow eeking out the words through clenched teeth.
BTW, how disturbing was it to see how much Kim's daughter behaves like she is actually the mom. I felt bad for her. Second hand smoking and all. What a train wreck Kim is. I would bet that she buys wine by the box and pours it into a bottle to look classy.
Your card is waiting for you on my blog.
Nene looks great. Can you imagine the sounds coming from that table with Vicki, Christian and Nene sitting together? There was probaby a lot of "woo-hoo", "fierce" and "chile please" going on. Love it!
p.s. - Natalie, your Christmas card is a hoot.
I heart NeNe! Love her! She's just about the only "real" person on the show. Christian is a doll and is fabulous in his own right as well. As for Vicky, am I the only one that thinks she resembles a ventriloquist's doll? Not cute.
NeNe is way prettier than Mary J.
For starters, NeNe has a chin.
Soooo glad you like Nene...my heart would have cried!
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