The first two people who email me (scentedglossymagazines@gmail.com) with their name and mailing address will win a copy of Class with the Countess: How to live with Elegance and Flair, courtesy of Bravo. Get it while you can--this book is sure to be a collectors' item. Rumor has it that LuAnn is going to add a revealing new chapter and change the title to Class with the Countess: How to Live with a Dirty Cheating Viagra-Popping Fucktard.
*UPDATED* We have our winners! Congratulations to Erin and Theresa.
While we're on the topic of books, has anyone bought/read Bethenny's Naturally Thin? What do you think?
Speaking of Bethenny, here's a little taste of what Bravo has in store for you tonight:
Come back tonight to talk after the show.
Oh, one more thing--if you have questions for the RHNYC reunion, email them to the delicious Andy Cohen at andysblog@nbcuni.com.
I'll come clean I ordered Bethenney's book from Amazon. I ordered Martha's new craft book and to get free shipping I had to spend a few more bucks so I thought, what the hell. Bethenney has given me $10 worth of fun on that show I'll bite and read it. I'll let you know how it is.
Damn those blackberry users--I didn't have a chance on the book giveaway!
I haven't purchased Bethenny's book, but I admit to flipping through it in the bookstore. It actually makes a lot of sense to me, and I'd put it up there with the saner dieting books.
Oh, I only read the first sentence and rushed over to email.
Darn. I want to read it; I just cannot pay for it.
I was ordering something else from Amazon so figured what the heck, I can add it for $10. I have to wait a few days for it to be sent so does that mean it's popular? I hope so cuz I too like her so will support her and want her book to OUTSELL THE COUNTLESS!
Don't know if it's the view on the laptop that makes Ramoner's "friends" look all "horsey-faced", (is that one, Paula? waiting for her final "operation"? OMG...)
Sure hope they look more fem in the actual (dvr'd) 'sode later!
Otherwise, I am rully, rully scared! See y'all manyana!
I stood in Target the other day, skimmed through something like three pages and immediately headed to the checkout. It's awesome. Hilarious, truthful, doable, sane advice. Love it.
I wonder if Ramona ever sprains her eyes, jeez with the crazy eyes...can't wait for tonight!
Totally read it, cover to cover. I think it has really great advice and it is realistic. Kind of the way I already eat, don't deny yourself but don't eat like a fat pig and lick your plate.
Ahhh Ramoner! Always unfiltered, raw and crass.
Bethany ain't liking the "underdog" comment.
Can't wait for this evening's episode and of course, your recap : )
Ramona is a TRU spaz, and should TRUEly stop giving her friends backhanded compliments.
Oh, and you and Andy Cohen are going to have like a million babies.
Dear Andy Cohen,
Do you have Todd Oldham's phone number?
bought Bethenny's book. LOVE IT. And Ramoner? I loathe the ground she flits across. She is as dumb as a post, absolutely and completely unaware of any semblance of proper behavior or comportment, narcisistic, imperious, crazy-eyed, bad nose-jobbed, and goony as they come. Woof.
Completely boring tonight. What a let down. It was one giant commercial for their books, products, and store. Simon came through at the very end with an over the top, looney ass meltdown.
I bought Bethenny's book this weekend and finished it in one day. It is AWESOME! I agree with Anon above about her plugging her products and name dropping a bit much, but the rules and general advice are amazing and make so much sense. I am really trying to apply her Naturally Thin philosophy to my life. I can relate to so much in the book and her approach makes complete sense. Definitely worth $10!
Okay, how much of a narcisisst is Kelly that she runs in front of cabs in full on traffic?! Most people run in the park, genius! I can't believe she doesn't show up for her own party in next week's episode.
1 - I'm pretty sure the stem of the wine glass B was holding was close to snapping off as Ramoner was telling her what an underdog she is.
2 - Crazy eyes condescendingly, sarcastically saying "okay" when her friend tried to stick up for B? No wonder all her friends seemed to like B better.
3 - I think I need to download the clip of Kelly blissfully jogging slowly down a crowded NYC street, with cabs slowly following along behind her, and executives and socialites in the crosswalk giving each other the WTF looks.
Are you saying Jill likes the people that are 'down here' (see hand doing a low 5) to her 'up here' (see hand raised up high)?
I bet Bethenny's vegan cupcakes taste like dirt.
I kind of feel that Bethenny's book is a bit of fluff. I have seen her skinny girl drinks and they aren't really new?
i feel this is just another diet book in a long line of diet books without a lot of substance.
I also feel that she is doing a lot of self-promotion, and one email sent to her regarding a diet question got a seemingly automated response to buy her book.
Not buying it.
Bossip has a great article on the woman that the count is enamored by...and it appears she is a bit more attractive (both mentally and physically) than LuAnn....
OT: not sure if you've heard... Rachel Zoe's official Facebook page:
and twitter:
after season 1 but before season 2, didn't bethenny say that season 2 was going to show her writing/promoting her book? it seems that a lot of the promoting got left in the editing room.
also, Fox is claiming she's dating A-Rod
What a conniption Simon!
Kelly playing in traffic was a tad disconcerting, but only managed to provide further evidence that she has a serious lack of working brain cells. Pray tell, how did this woman actually graduate from Columbia? And OMG, I read she is only 40! I freakin thought she was 48.
Love Bethanny but her book is crazy town. Clearly written by someone who has never had any problems being thin!
There's no great cool new way to lose weight. There's just not.
Sorry Bethenny. Sorry people who buy Bethenny's book.
Did anyone notice that Kelly said "jewry" instead of jewelry? And did anyone notice that she said it about 45 times?
Is that woman in the white pants wearing riding boots?! And what's up with the Pepto Bismal pink shirt?
hey sgm, apparently kelly ripped off the ugly owl jewelery and is being sued: http://guestofaguest.com/nyc/kelly-bensimon-the-other-lawsuit-you-havent-heard-about/
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