Do you remember Leslie Mann's dress in this scene from
Knocked Up?

My heart pounds when I see it. Now that it is spring, I yearn for it on a daily basis. YEARN. It will never be mine--oh no, too much time has passed, and despite being such a simple frock, I'm sure it was ridiculously expensive. But Leslie Mann's dress, know this: a part of my soul will forever be empty because I do not own you.
Have you ever felt this way about a piece of clothing? Shoes, maybe? Please tell me about it.
(For the record, I love Leslie Mann. I would designate her as my
Free Pass Five Bonus Lesbian Pick, but eh, I need a woman with a little more meat on her bones. For additional background and some wisdom on Free Pass Five Bonus Lesbian Picks, please visit
here and
I love Leslie Mann, and I DO remember that dress - I always thought it was Juicy. I saw her once, actually, in Malibu at a pet store. She was looking at the wall of puppy mill dogs with her kid. Shame shame!!
Oh my gosh the comments on that other post are hysterical. I love the bonus lesbian pick! HAHA
Ohhh, I obsess over clothes way too often. It's what I do best. ;)
Its missing the smocked area at the chest but VS has something similar on sale:
Oh, welcome to my life of want! I have addressed this subject twice in my blog - here:
and here:
Right now I'm in love/lust with the YSL black platform pumps - dare to dream!
I know how you feel. I just lost the sandals of my dreams. I waited too long, hoping they'd go on sale. And they did. But only in size 6. Who the hell wears a size 6? That's just mean. I'm so pissed.
My heart pounds when I see this but it has nothing to do with the dress; it may have something to do with the reminder of 38 hours of labor!!
The item that leaves my soul just a little bit empty are the fuchsia Christian Louboutin shoes Carrie wore in Sex and the City on her last date with Big before he moved to Napa...same night Miranda had her baby and her water broke all over them. They were hot pink, strappy and with ruffles. I could just die.
I've been dying on a daily basis... at least for 9 days now... because I saw this cute girl in a drawstring shirtdress and when I say I have looked everywhere for it, I have looked EVERYWHERE. I think my boss is about to fire me. I'm dying right now just thinking about it. WHY did I not go up to the girl at the mall? I will forever regret it.... I.die.
It's Juicy, right?
H&M is selling some smocked stuff right this very minute and in a price range that I can almost afford. Stupid recession.
1. Juicy? The brand of that ho Tamra? Crap.
2. I WEAR A SIZE 6, Vanessa! Send me the link.
3. B for D, I remember those shoes. Sigh.
4. Kat. We live a nightmare. I too am so pissed you didn't ask where she got the dress.
5. Another thing we need to discuss is that there is no H&M in Denver AND they are not online. Insane.
Visit me! I even got called "pig" by an ANONYMOUS commenter (a dubious badge of honor).
Oy...what do I want?
Possibly every soft leather Marc Jacobs bag ever crafted. I saw this amazing one at Nordstrom's a year ago for about 400, and I swore when I got a job I would buy it for myself.
Now I have a job, will never be able to find that bag again, and I'm a few months away from college, so I think that bag is forever out of the question. Such a depressing thought.
Oooooh, I actually DID go up to a girl at the store and asked where she got the KEYOOT top she was wearing. Her reply? Oh, I don't remember - I got it on sale at the mall. Lying BEYOTCH! You KNOW she remembered where she got it. For the love of Sherman Hensley - who doesn't remember where they got a cute top? She just didn't want to give up the goods and share. Not that I'm bitter or anything....
A few years back a saw a pair of Nine West shoes in a magazine that I loved. I couldn't find them on line ANYWHERE, and I literally called all over the country for them (I know, I know - they were Nine West, big deal - but they were CUTE). I ended up getting an associate at Nordstrom's to track them down for me on the other side of the country, and shipping them to the store. I got her a card and gift I was so ecstatic that she found my shoes.
i totally looked EVERYWHERE for that dress after i saw the movie...i liked everything she wore actually. anyway i DID track down that dress and it WAS (maybe still is ) Juicy!!!! It was ridiculously expensive and I also felt that I would look silly in it...being so old and everything.
This has nothing to do with this post, but... do you watch The Celebrity Apprentice?!?! Please tell me you do, and you're working on a recap of Melissa Rivers' mind blowing tantrum from last night?!?!?!
For the love of Sherman Hensley
Thank you Merciblahblah!!!
I am just happy to hear you like a girl with a little more meat on her you're saying there's a chance!
MerciBlahBlah, I am from NY and I don't play. Sure, I'll approach someone and ask where she got a cute blouse. DO NOT give me the amnesia ("Uh, I don't remember" crap) because I will yank your ponytail (the one I gather with my hands) and while you are distracted...I will soooo read the tag. BUSTED!!!
Honestly? Before I'd employ that move, I'd put the biatch on the spot and ask (as I was at her neckline) if she'd mind if I peeked at the tag. Only a psycho would say which case, see above response!! I'd give her the "nervous" New Yorker fast talker BS about how I was sure I had seen it in a Gucci ad, or some such. I can be disarming!! In the name of Sherman Helmsley, I will not let a bitch leave me label hanging. DONE!
As for BreakfastforDinner, I am about the biggest Loubou fan...and owner. I live on the Upper East Side and don't have the willpower to window shop--I buy, but I remember that Sex in the City episode. I totally never "got" those shoes (hello, lover) and it turned me off to the Loubou brand. I was remarkably glad that Miranda's childbirth pu those shoes out of my misery...
Luckily, they came out with a nothing-similar leopard shoe and the entire PRIVE line and all was forgiven by me. I have a closet of "red soles."
Same, unfortunately, with SGM's coveted dress from Knocked Up!! I detested the movie, assumed Leslie Mann was in some sort of pjs, and erased the whole scene from my head.
Come on...the movie was asking me to believe A that Seth Rogen impregnated a woman while being unconscious AND B a woman who looks like Katherine Heigel would persue Seth Rogan. I wasn't smoking the pot they had in the movie!!
Anyway, sorry I missed the fabulousness of the dress and I will take the fuschia Loubous back under advisement!! I may have missed some fab finds!!
Just saw this EXACT dress yesterday in a shop, so of course I checked it out. It's by Hard Tail and it's lovely!!
Hey there I'm almost sure that if you called the Hardtail in Santa Monica store they have this dress, it's almost a staple every season. Good luck!
Oh, and I love your blog and all the craziness that makes me laugh out loud.
Thank you and keep up the good work
Thank you so much Amber and Stacey, for making my dreams come true! I'll let you know how it goes.
Yes and Yes. That happens to me all the time, I obsess, bitch, complain that I don't have the item, then get distracted by another item and keep going. It's a vicious cyle.
Dude, where've I been all week?! I suck. But I'm a damn good catcher-upper, wouldn'tcha say? BTW Leslie Mann is one of my all-time faves, too!! I adore her. Her voice kills me!
I think the dress is by a brand called HardTail and was sold 2 summers ago at Bloomingdale type stores.
Good Luck!
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