On a completely unrelated note, I'd just like to announce that I think that Dina and Caroline are lovely women. Lovely, intelligent and elegant. I urge everyone to speak about them with utmost kindness and respect. Do you understand what I'm saying?
And now, a bubbies montage:
(thanks, Emily)
I bet that show is going to be off the chain crazy. It's going to make Real Hos Atlanta look like it was filmed in fucking Mayberry.
Uh oh. Does this mean you'll have to blog about them from the Witness Protection Program? Your new name will be Nancy?
I love these ladies already! They are going to be the best yet.
I read about that "connection" back in early April and blogged about it here. It was tucked down at the bottom of a little city room piece in the NY Times.
I am SOOOO excited for this show!
I went to Bravo website the other day to read up some more on the cast and was reading comments about the show... many of which were from "respectable, hard-working, NORMAL NJ Housewives" who were upset about the show and that these chicks will give the normal NJ housewives a bad name and shame on Bravo bc they should have used normal housewives instead of these rich princess types. It was really pathetic.
And then one VERY smart NJ housewife piped in and said something about who would want to watch the boring lives of regular day to day NJ housewives? HA, I almost spit when I read that. SOooo funny.
Oh my god. I can't wait for this show, it's gonna be great.
For the record, I live in Jersey and do not pronounce "Boobies" as "Bubbies". I don't even say "Boobies". I say Bazongas, because it's funnier, or boobs. Depends on the day.
North Jersey and the rest of the state are very different, indeed. But I'm loving the photo on the boardwalk.
Okay so I've been dying to figure this one out- is the black-haired one wearing a wig? Or does she just have naturally ratty hair and a freakishly bizarre, low hairline?
Now that I've actually watched the clip (oops) it's the one that wants the bubbies.
She has no forehead. I've never seen a more bizarre looking thing in my life. :|
Nothing in this series will shock me. Where I come from, or as Miss California would say "In my country", it is totally normal to have tanning beds in your house and a dead father in law in the trunk. But then again I am Italian and I'm from Philly.
I love this and immediately put it on my facebook with your blog address because it is hilarious and I see you really put time into it! Great work girl
Did anyone catch Dina and her hubby on My Big Fat Fabulous Wedding?
I tried to watch this and Adobe hijacked my computer and I almost didn't get it back. But I did. Finally.
Mob connections?! And they own a wedding factory in North Jersey?! Shocking. Truly shocking.
This show is going to be soooo good. I cannot wait.
Not only was 350 pound Tiny "rubbed out," the worst part was his life insurance refused to pay out. It turn out he had diabetes--not that it was sugar that killed him, it was actually 4 bullets. There was a $500,000 policy and in the end, it went to the NJ Supreme Court and the Manzos lost.
You can't make this stuff up. I am ready for the new gals to take the Tuesday night helm.
Andy's blog says the reunion will be held on *2* nights, in case you missed the big Bravo announcement. The reunion apparently went 6 hours or so and fans wrote in on his blog and facebook that just one hour wouldn't do so it will be Tuesday and Thursday, the 12th and 14th.
Sorry! I forgot the article on Tiny's unfortunate passing and his diabetes that negated his insurance:
Can't wait for Real Housewives of New Jersey to start.
First off, I am from New Jersey. South Jersey to be exact. My sister and I were discussing this new cast for hours after the premiere. Hours. Hearing the words "thick as thieves", "Colombian cartel", "kidnapping" and seeing the table flip and... strangle?? toward the end of the "this season on Housewives" montage, we realized that all we Bravo fans in the world are in for a whole new ballgame this season. Yowza.
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