1. The Bobby Zarin Look-Alike Contest! Who is Bobby's celebrity doppelganger? I took all of your inspired suggestions and made this list. What do you think?

James Lipton, BOBBY ZARIN, Paul Mitchell

Tom Cruise in Tropic Thunder, Tommy Mottola 'The Older Years' and Phil Silvers
(Yes, I am totally aware that my photoshopping skills are for shit. Bitches, I don't even have photoshop, and if you had any idea how long it took me to put this together in Mac Preview (not to mention how many Spanish youtube videos I had to watch to get a shot of old Tommy Mottola) you wouldn't be able to look me in the eye.)
2. This may be the dumbest paragraph you will read this week.
Kelly Bensimon, commenting on her arrest stemming from punching her boyfriend:
My beautiful girls and I are being exposed to a horrible situation. I just think it just unsettling...I support all my friends and my friends have been really amazing with me. It's not really about me. It's about my girls. My girls don't need to be exposed to something like this. It's really inappropriate...I don't want to speak ill of anyone. That's not who I am. I don't want to do that....
What the fuck is she talking about? Exactly who is exposing your girls to this "unsettling" and "inappropriate" situation, Lady Bensimon? Could it be, I don't know, YOU for going all Mike Tyson on your boyfriend? Good God.
I hope she can take some sort of ESL class in prison because she is obviously very confused and painfully limited when it comes to the English language.
3. Kelly has been dropped from her modeling contract with Saks. Technically, it "will not be renewed" but we get the message. I'm sure it has nothing to do with all of her "unsettling and inappropriate" situations. Also, Kelly's Hamptons house was just put on the market for $10.9 mill. Your Mama, of course, has the juicy details.
4. "Ramona. Start the food fight."

You must watch this (and if you want to be entertained even more, go here.)
I'm going with a combination of James Lipton and Phil Silvers. Paul Mitchell doesn't look nice enough to resemble Bobby.
I vote for Phil Silvers; I have a soft spot for funny guys.
Bethenny & Alex hamming it up in the video is great, but Jill with her "You gotta stay in the shot you idiot! They paid for the dresses, you gotta stay in the shot!" is just hilarious. I'd'a smashed that pie right in her big yap.
After seeing that video, I definitely think the ladies play up the animosity for the show --they all seemed to be getting along pretty well at the shoot. They may have been on best behavior, but I did not pick up on the tension that we normally see between certain individuals.
Paul Mitchell is missing that sheen of . . .hair gel that Bobby has, but he is the closest twin. By the way I love Bobby, he is the epitomie of cool.
Food fight. . .I have to disagree with Anon 5:21. I think it was interesting that K didn't even toss as much as a cookie at B, cuase then it would have been all "no she didnat. . ." for reals. If they "rully" got along K and B would have been mixing it up.
Also R and A kind of stayed away from any direct contact.
The thing is when your horseing around you do it with specific friends, enemies you try to avoid cause it might just end up being a real ass fight. And we KNOW B would win, skinny girl drinks none-withstanding.
Oh, anyone else think Paul Mitchell's beard looks like that spray on hair and beard dye hair color you see late at night on the infomercials. . .
Bobby might use enough gel to fill a KY bottle, but his beard is more real.
That's funny SGM! If we could morph James Lipton with Paul Mitchell I think we'd have a match.
Is it just me or does Bobby look like the type that wears too much cologne?
I think he's a Lipton/Mitchell hybrid.
Oh my gosh, the photocap of the fight. I was doubled over with laughter.
I vote Paul Mitchell with a dash of Phil Silvers...
Please tell me you’ve seen this:
Your nemesis Kelly interviews your love Andy. It’s the perfect foil.
re. plum tv interview-
"bringing kelly into the mix raises the bar"
I hadn't seen it--thanks, Courtney. She seems like a totally different person in that video (except for the excessive use of "cute" and "awesome.")
Anyhow, I wonder if Kelly will have the same high opinion of Andy by the end of the season?
In the Bobby-Look-Alike contest I'd like to throw in a dark horse:
Billy Joel circa NOW.
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