Yeah, Kelly! You tell her! Bethenny just runs her mouth blah blah blah while you get shit done. So she has a thriving career and a bestselling book, BIG DEAL. Everyone knows that a book is just talking that's written down. You, on the other hand, are doing important things--no need to elaborate on that. Everyone knows that people who are chronically late aren't just snorting coke in the bathroom of the Brass Monkey--they're making the world a better place by doing unspecified work that does not include charity. So you'd just better check yourself, Bethenny!
Poor Kelly. Her decision to be a part of The Real Housewives of New York City is proving to be a disastrous one. The bright lights of the camera are exposing her as a vain, self-centered twit, and that ain't good for business (whatever her business may be). But it is SO good for Bravo and for us, because her trashy ass is our treasure. Let's get it on!
1. Ramoner invites Kelly to the Badgely Mischka fashion show.

Kelly is telling Ramoner about her spat with Bethenny at Jill's charity meeting. "Bad manners are rully rully repulsive to me and I was rully rully put off by [Bethenny's behavior]," she says (YES, that is a direct quote).
"Do you think it's jealousy?" Ramoner asks. Kelly blathers on, but basically says no.
(I think now would be a good time to mention that Kelly is also an author. And do you know what the number one Amazon result is when you search for Kelly Bensimon? Bethenny's book. OUCH.)
After the show, Kelly and Ramoner have a drink and 'Moner asks Kelly for advice about how she should handle the detested Simon.

Kelly tells her to be polite and say hi and then move on. There's also a lot of "you're a great awesome girl with rully great awesome amazing energy," which delights me. Kelly segues all of this into how she needs to talk to Bethenny, and tells the camera, "...to be confrontational isn't cool. It's really inappropriate." (btw, if you took a gulp of a Skinny Girl Margarita every time you heard the word "inappropriate" come from Kelly's mouth, you would be in the hospital by the end of this episode).
2. Jill's apartment renovation is almost complete. It looks kind of fussy/tacky, but maybe the previews from next week are coloring my view (did you catch those display cabinets? Holy Jesus, I had to avert my eyes.) She went over budget, but Bobby doesn't care and we are left to assume that Jill gives really excellent blow jobs. Sorry for the mental image of Bobby's peen.
3. Over to Silex's renovation. At this point, I'm bouncing on the couch, hissing "skip these freaks! Let's get to the FIGHT!" But no, we have to listen to Silex drone on and ON and torture their interior designer. Silex talk about how they have this huge photo of Alice Cooper with a snake, and Alex laughs like "we're the coolest craziest most original mofos on the planet!" and the designer is clearly bewildered as he says hesitantly, "I'm glad you guys are edgy."
4. Finally, it's time for the most spectacular confrontation in the history of the illustrious Housewives series. You've all seen it by now (full episode is online so not having cable is no excuse), and if you haven't seen it, then what the HELL is taking you so long?
Every word spoken during this scene deserves our attention, but we've all got chocolate chip cookies to eat and pants to unbutton and more shitty tv to watch, so let's just cover the highlights, shall we?
Kelly charges into the Brass Monkey in her pink wellies and green off-the-shoulder sweater dress.

"Bethenny needs a time out," she tells the camera. And if that doesn't work, how about a spanking? Kelly is so blinded by her own bravado that she cannot sense the DOOM that is sure to result from treating Bethenny like a spoiled eight year old.
When Kelly walks up to Bethenny, we discover that she is a HALF AN HOUR late for her own "sit down." When B points this out, Kelly says breezily, "oh that's too bad" and immediately launches in to her "wur not friends" speech. Bethenny is a little shocked, but calmly agrees. Kelly continues, "your attitude, it's for kids." Trix are for kids too, bitch. What's your point? Let's just go straight to the transcript (sent to me by the angel Paige):
Kelly: You want to play with me, you come up to me, I don't go down to you.
Bethenny: Excuse me? I don't do anything you want me to do.
Kelly: (Laughs) Honestly, Bethenny?
Bethenny: I'm waiting to hear what you invited me here to say.
Kelly: I will not indulge you in this. We're not the same. This is you (gesturing downward) this (she lifts her hand) is me.

Bethenny: You're here (hand-lifting) because why?

OH SHIT. Suggesting that Bethenny is somehow lowborn or beneath you--you might as well start picking out your coffin because YOU ARE ABOUT TO DIE. Kelly explains that she's "up there" because she won't put up with B's "bullshit" because "it's totally inappropriate" (take a drink!). Kelly says with saracastic sympathy that she feels so badly for B because she embarrasses herself. B brings up the whole "arthritis is cute" business, which Kelly completely ignores and instead talks about how Bethenny is all talk and Kelly actually does things. What? What things?
Bethenny confronts Kelly about how they've met 7 times and Kelly never remembers her. Of course, Kelly doesn't remember this. She does recall the party where she flirted with Bethenny's boyfriend. Let's go back to the transcript:
Kelly: Okay, I flirted with the man who was taking my picture for Wire Image? I don't think so. He's hired.
Bethenny: He wasn't hired, actually, he was my boyfriend, he came with me.
Kelly: Okay, YOU were invited to MY house?
Bethenny: Yes, by Ginny Hilfiger, she's a friend of mine.
Kelly: Okay, well, Ginny has her opinion of you. But I was so disgusted by your behavior.
Bethenny: My behavior doing what?
Kelly: You tell me doing what. You tell me.
Last week Susannah likened Bethenny to an anaconda who would open her huge jaws and swallow Kelly whole. This is all I could think about as I watched Bethenny eyes turn into narrow slits as she calmly watched Kelly flail around like a rabid hyena. I was waiting for Bethenny to strike the death blow, and I think she tried, but Kelly was so nervous/flustered/stupid/high that most of Bethenny's attacks went over her head. In the end, it was Kelly's own arrogant behavior that made her look like a total jackass.
The scene finishes with Kelly jumping up and running off saying, "I'm not talking to you. Have a great life." Bethenny checks her phone and waits for a few moments before she gets up to leave. As she's walking out, she runs into Kelly AGAIN.
Kelly: You need to chill out. You are so inappropriate.
Bethenny (completely calm): I'm completely calm.
Kelly: Oh my GOD. You're crazy. I gotta go on a date!
Bethenny: (dryly, as Kelly is running off): With your imaginary boyfriend?
5. Kelly meets her imaginary boyfriend/date, Maximilian. He's a good-looking, smarmy Euro and Kelly is ALL OVER him, but first she has to vent about the Bethenny incident. She makes it sound as if she was the one who was cool and calm and that Bethenny was the rabid hyena with the Valley girl accent.
She tells the camera that she was very unsettled by the conversation and after (apparently) consulting her thesaurus, calls the whole incident "childish, sophomoric, high school and inappropriate." She also says like she felt she was a parent explaining proper protocol to a child. Gosh, I wonder why anyone would find that offensive?
"It's just a matter of upbringing though, some people just don't know," she tells Max. Bethenny's eyes will pop out of her head when she hears this.
Max listens and makes noises of consolation, and Kelly manages to slip in her new vocabulary word "foil." Then Max says "let's go fuck, lady with Pink Panther legs," and Kelly hops up and says "awesome!" (that's the gist, anyway.)
6. Bethenny is emotionally blackmailed into going with Ramoner to watch Mario play tennis. Ramoner says, "hey, I heard you had an altercation with Kelly." Bethenny relates the story from the charity meeting and then does an excellent impression of Kelly (she really has a gift) at the Brass Monkey meeting. Here she is doing the "this is you and this is me" that will haunt Kelly forever:
Ramoner's eyes are working overtime. She can't believe it! Bethenny tells the camera that if Kelly would have said, "you were snide and hurt my feelings," Bethenny would have apologized. Instead, Kelly came at her in a threatening way, in a "you don't know who you're messing with" way and that type of approach doesn't fly with B. In fact, it inflames her. She tells Ramoner that Kelly is "a raving lunatic" and "a loose cannon."
Ramoner is uncharacteristically diplomatic when she tells the camera that she's heard both sides and doesn't know what to think except that "not everyone likes everyone."
7. It's installation day at Jill's apartment. The tv doesn't fit and she's freaking out. I love Jill and think she would be a fantastic friend, but I would never want to work for her. Too much kvetching.
8. Ramoner and Mario are at dinner, and Ramoner brings up the doubles match with Jill, who's being a little wishy-washy on setting a date. Mario calls Jill a primadonna and there is much eye-rolling as Ramoner says that Jill just needs to lighten up. What's the problem with setting a date, they wonder, because it's not like Jill has any obligations--she just shops, eats and travels with Bobby. Harsh! What I want to know is why Jill just doesn't say "Mary-o, you're a pain in the ass and I don't want to play tennis with you."
Moving on. Ramoner tells Mario that she's upset with Kelly, who wrote a piece for Page Six Magazine talking about how she was introducing the Housewives to "her" world, which is fashion. Ramoner is all "fashion is MY world and I invited HER into MY world." She says that Kelly is a liar, and that "maybe she's braindead." Check the eyes:
I find it fascinating that there are so many genuine reasons for which to dislike Kelly, yet Ramoner doesn't latch onto any of them. Instead, she picks up this one generalized sentence and calls her braindead. Whatever, Ramoner. I'm just glad you're no longer on Team Fakey Fake Horseface.
9. The Countess! Kelly says that she invited the Countess to the Page Six Magazine party because she thought LuAnn would really have fun. Is she lying again? All of the other housewives (except Bethenny) are at this party--is Kelly saying that the Countess would not have been invited otherwise?
In the car on the way over, Kelly brings up Bethenny's "attack" on her at the charity meeting. LuAnn calls that shit out, and says that it wasn't really an attack, but that Bethenny was "stand-offish." When the Countess learns that Kelly wanted to meet with Bethenny to talk about it, she is surprised and tells the camera that she didn't think it was necessary. When the Countess learns that Kelly was LATE to said meeting, she shakes her head in disbelief with a look that says, "woman, you have balls, big hairy horsey balls." Finally, the Countess is using her condescending manner for GOOD instead of EVIL.
Kelly, once again, makes Bethenny out to be the hysteric and of course, "inappropriate and ill-mannered."
By the by, you know what else is inappropriate and ill-mannered? Punching your boyfriend and getting arrested.
Anyhow! The Countess tries to explain that Bethenny can come off as tough but has a good heart, and Kelly says "I don't see her as tough at all; I see her as...displaced." Displaced? Like a refugee? What in God's name is she talking about?! Then she says more nonsense to the camera about "I feel sorry for Bethenny because she has no impact on my life whatsoever." Oh really? I bet she's having an impact on your Amazon book sales, sister.
10. At the Page Six Magazine party, LuAnn and Kelly are talking with LuAnn's literary (!) agent. The Countess is explaining how her husband's ancestor turned down the title of Duke and that the Countess should really be a Duchess. Did anyone else feel sorry for her in light of her present circumstance? She's so proud of her husband's noble family, yet it isn't too difficult to imagine them as a bunch of assholes who bought their titles with stolen money.
11. Ramoner confronts Kelly about the sentence and Kelly immediately backtracks saying "I wasn't talking about YOU." Ramoner is pacified. I know you want to see the eyes again. Here they are.
12. Bobby looks like a P-I-M-P and Brad is dressed as though he is a part of the gay Rythym Nation.
13. Jill spies Mario and tells the camera she's going to pick a fight with him over this stupid tennis match. I love to watch Bobby fade away as Jill and Mario start screaming at each other. Big Daddy loves Jill, but he does not like the drama. (by the way, I have spent HOURS racking my brain trying to think of the name of the minor celeb who looks like Bobby. Who is it? Someone with full beard, ponytail and blue eyes. HELP.) So Mario is getting all red in the face, shushing Jill and being loud and rude, and Jill finally says "Ahm gonna punch you OUT."
"Gah head!" Mario responds. Where the hell is Ramoner? At that moment, Bobby saunters over and leans into Jill and casually says, "you need help, baby?" Jill, who is furiously texting, says "take cara him" as she motions to Mario. "Security!" Bobby calls out over his shoulder, waving his drink. Everyone smiles. SITUATION DIFFUSED. (Did you know that Bobby has his own Facebook fan page? Rightly so, if you ask me.) But Jill is serious! They actually have a driver/bodyguard, Wayne, at the party. Jill calls Wayne over. "WAAAAYNE! Would you take cara him? Stop shaking his hand!" But she says it all with a smile, and she's still texting. Kelly, take note: this is how you handle it when someone is rude to you.
14. Then Mario and Ramoner take on Silex. I think they were just drunk, walking around stirring up trouble. The conflict this time is about how Ramoner invited Silex to a big fancy party a while ago and then they made her look like a fool when they didn't say "Oh, by the way, Alex has some scandalous nude photos coming out tomorrow." More crazy eyes to the camera.
That's it! So much fighting. I loved your comments right after the show. Have more to say? Are the fans of Kelly still out there? Spill it.
Love it Love it!!! Whew.....I need to go to Yoga now uuummmmmmm......
Have a good weekend!
lamaisonfou blog
Of course, there is a lot to cover here, but what I couldn't stop thinking about as I watched this ep? Jill, in the grand scheme of a renovation, the T-friggin-V is what you're schvitzing over? Girl, get a grip. She was carrying on like the carpet had been installed incorrectly or like there was an exposed wire somewhere. From South Florida, I could've taken care of her incorrectly sized TV, without summoning Bobby, Brad or any of the minions.
Whew, feels good to get that off my chest.
Have you seen the fbook fan page for Jill and Bethenny? In the pic, they're dressed up as Paris and Kathy Hilton. LOVE.
omg, best recap and best episode EVAH! All the dramz from all the people. I seriously could not believe Kelly's antics. If she rully were the one "up here" and is so busy "doing things" then she wouldn't find it necessary to call a meeting specifically to tell someone how much they don't like them.
Do you think Jill could buy me a tv that allows me to jump through and punch Kelly in the horse face?
As always, your recap is genius. As for Bobby, he reminds me of Tom Cruise's character in Tropic Thunder. The resemblance is frightening.
gay rhythm nation is the best thing i have heard ever. fabs recap!!!
Great recap!! Kelly was so twitchy/spazzy during the confrontation with B, it was painful to watch. Thank you for calling out Brad's questionable "outfit" sheesh....
Jill's apartment has no room to store an ill-fitting flat-screen TV??
Kelly looked like a damn fool this week. Still don't hate her though. Bethanny admitted that she would have apologized, so she realized that she was inappropriate at the charity meeting. I respect that. Kelly just looked really pathetic. We all have had our WTF moments though. Keep it movin, now.....
I was reading Kelly's blog over at the Bravo site and for a writer she sure is inconsistant. She talks about meeting B at the bar because she had to pick up her daughters right after the meeting and then had a date with gross Euro boy but then a paragraph later writes that after talking to B she had to go meet her date downstairs. So which is it? I guess Euro boy was more important than her daughters. Then she goes on about B being the crazy one and that B was waiting for her at the door to the bar! Um, what show did she watch because I clearly saw Kelly at the door as B is trying to leave. I don't know what Kelly is on but it leaves her spastic, all those movements and how she speaks and can't make eye contact with people. Does she really think that we're all seeing the show exactly how she recaps it in her blog? That woman is insane! Well, I guess she has to deal with her ex husband's ex wife, Elle McPherson being more beautiful, well known and more accomplished than her.
bobby looks like a pimped out paul mitchell...
I agree w/I Heart You - "...gay Rythm Nation" is the best line of the recap. I laughed out loud.
Kelly = Craaaazy Cakes
I was KINDA hoping Bethanny would RIP HER A NEW ONE, but ah well...she is far classier than I am, apparently (and has obviously read The Countesses book)...
I third the vote on "gay rhythm nation." That will make me laugh out loud all day as I think of it...thank you. Go Team B!
GREAT recap! Did you catch in the beginning when Kelly and Ramona are at the fashion show and Kelly basically tells Ramona she has no reason to be jealous of her. I'm surprised R wasn't more pissed about THAT. Isn't she under the impression we're all jealous of her?
Before now, I never really grasped why R and Mario are married. Aaaaaand now I get it in spades.
I,too, was waiting for Bethenny to rully,rully destroy kelly. Then, I realized:
1. Bethenny actually is too classy to do that
2. I think Bethenny was as confused and freaked out by the rant as the viewers. She seemed prepared to be told that her charity meeting comment was snide and "innappropriate," and that kelly had issues with her and acknowledged that she was ready for an apololgy. I don't think she was prepared for full on craaaazy.
Btw, the symptoms of coke use include: increased energy, talking rapidly, paranoia, confusion, anger, stereotyped, repetitive behavior, impaired judgement, altered motor activities (tremors, hyperactivity), and acting careless about personal appearance(sweater dress and pink books after the rain has ended).
I'm just saying.....
So many good parts, I can't even stand it. But this:
"Bobby looks like a P-I-M-P and Brad is dressed as though he is a part of the gay Rythym Nation."
Kelly was all over the map - from the moment she said down she was like a mexican jumping bean. WTF! She didn't even ease into the conversation - she just went into "We're not Friends" - she couldn't even keep her thoughts together and ignored half of what Bethany said or how she responded. I liked Kelly -- but now the wingnut is coming out.
Does Kelly REALLY think we knew who she was beforehand? I still know nothing about her except she was a model and that is because she mentions it in some way on every show. She's not a celebrity. She's definitely a coke head.
I second that Bobby looks like Paul Mitchell, haha!
omg, Bobby looks like Paul Mitchell, who does those weird dead-eyed ads with his gorgeous wife and son! he does look like a lower-priced version of him.
i was also going to say paul mitchell!!!
mario has obviously been spoiled by ramona. she hsa spent the last 25 years keeping her mouth shut and using cosmo tips to subjugate herself to his manhood. when he comes up against jill he's like a confused tantrum-throwing three-year-old who finally has a nanny that says no.
I find Kelly quite unlikeable.
Jill needs to jettison Brad-as-decorator, he seems to decorate like he dresses. A little too shiney-gay for me; I like understated-gay.
I feel for LuAnn. People are being so hard on her. First time I saw her husband, I knew he was cheating. 'travels extensively': yeah ok. It was only a matter of time. Thing is, if she was a euro-woman, she'd just be ignoring Ms. Ethiopia and asking when the next vacation is. Why does she have to break it all up just cause he is acting like a juvenile delinquent?
Ethiopia has a shelf-life too. Luann is definitely being short-sighted. Men are so annoying you might as well tolerate a rich one who stays out of your way for the most part.
i also thought b was completely thrown off by kelly's insane rant. it was like they'd been given different scripts. she was there to say "i'm sorry i was snide, but you have a long history of being a complete bitch", which is why she started on the whole "we've met 7 times but you never know who i am" (her script) and then just gave up. dwindle, dwindle as kelly went down batshit crazy lane.
Awesome recap! Kelly must have been high. How else could someone act so irrationally. I thought Bethenny handled herself really well.
erush and anons, it WAS Paul Mitchell in my minds eye! He is Bobby's twin. Oh my god, the relief that I feel is overwhelming. Thank you so much.
Love the term "shiny gay."
LOVED the recap...cuz that fight was GOLD, pure gold. and speaking of gold, i happen to think that kelly's bronzer (or whatever the hell is wrong with her skin color) has seeped into her brain.
and thanks to the people who figured out the bobby/paul mitchel connection...that was driving me nuts. and once again, the real housewives franchise has proven that money can buy a lot of things, but it cannot buy taste or style.
i was a little surprised by jill's apartment. i think last weeks episode she mentions that she wants it mid-century modern. ummmm....yeah. that's not mid-century, unless i got confused and she meant another century--like not mid-twentieth century?
Kelly is selling the hamptons house for $10.9 million. story at real estalker: http://realestalker.blogspot.com/2009/04/another-housewife-wants-to-sell-her.html i apologize if this is old news.
BEST EPISODE EVERRRRR! I can't even comment on it because everybody else commented on it and there's nothing more that needs to be said.
I can't wait to see Jill's big apartment reveal next week. From the previews, it kind of looks like Liberace puked all over it.
Once again, great re-cap!
And how I wish you were in LA! I would make you go with me to Bethenny's booksigning this Saturday at Book Soup!
Oh, Design Junkie. That was absolutely fab.
I am loving Bobby more and more. He's the type of guy who may not say much, but when he does, it's priceless.
Props to Bethenny, once again, for proving to me that I was right in choosing her as my favorite.
Bobby = Paul Mitchell
he looks like the shampoo guy!!!!
According ro Gawker, Kelley just los her Saks contract.
Kelly is the Tamra of NYC.
SGM=new favorite blog
i saw this episode. i don't miss garbage this good.
kelly is a twat and needs to be numchucked to death.
or at least beaten with those horrible pink boots.
I was going to go with Tommy Matola (the later years)
I'm in love. With Bethenny for remaining calm, with SGM for her Rhythm Nation comment, for whoever called Paul Mitchell, for My Favorite and Best calling Kelly a twat. I am only slightly ashamed to admit I watched the cokiest catfight not once, not twice, but THREE times on my Tivo, it was that good. Or that bad. Or just that freaking unbelievable. Love.
Maybe I'm showing my age but Bobby reminds me of Phil Silvers!
I find it so hard to believe that grown women act this way...maybe it the southern gal in me, but I can barely watch them make fools of themselves...
I don't know about Bobby, but I can't look at Jill without thinking of Dinah Manoff, the red-headed sister on Empty Nest, AKA The One Who Wasn't Kristy McNichol:
Um, can Jill divorce Brad and get a better gay? He's a decorator/designer/hair and make-up artist/electronics engineer/pied piper desperado and not only am I confused by his ever evolving career but his fashion sense is frankly giving me a headache at this point. Jill, call me, I have so many better gays for you. Oh, and Kelly is a big hot mess.
Great recap SGM...I agree with the others, Kelly is highly unlikable and appears to be partaking in illegal substances. BTW, add me to the list of people who had no idea who Kelly was before RHONY.
I see the resemblance to Paul Mitchell...He also reminds me of that man from Inside the Actors Studio, James Lipton.
Do you think Kelly was on some sort of spastic uppers during that crazy bar scene?? I was in total shock by the entire episode, the this took the cake, oh yeah, and her pink wellies on a warm NYC night.
I think Bobby looks like James Lipton from Inside Actors Studio.
De-lurked long enough to comment on the Armageddon that followed B's snideness.
Kelly - Oy, vey. I want double of what she's taking. Seriously. I need to escape mentally from my life now and then, and she (apparently) is on some rully, rully good stuff.
B - Love her. A little narcissistic and vain, but hey, who isn't. Could use a square meal - or ten.
Jill - I'm still smarting from her 'squalor' remark a few weeks back. I've lived in third world countries. Silex don't live in squalor. She needs a reality check. Love her self-absorbed self to bits though.
Silex - Not too bad, considering they could be worse. Pretentious, desperate, clamoring for attention. The TMZ video was just bizzare to me. He needs to cut out the drinks...and the drunken sailor laugh.
Countess - Poor thing! Love her kids, though. And Rosie.
Ramona/Mario - The Pimp that Could and his Spastic Sidekick. Did they really expect Alex and Simon to say absolutely NOTHING after they were all but accused of (by omission) tarnishing the True Faith reputation? Really? How that Avery turned out so mellow (so far)is still a mystery.
I was so thinking Paul Mitchell!!!!
And this line, "...using her condescending manner for GOOD instead of EVIL?"
Sheer brilliance.
James Lipton? Are you thinking of James Lipton when gazing at Bobby Z.?
p.s. Thanks for the tip on the FB fan page. Of course I joined it!
Emily- YES!!!!!!!!!!! I totally thought that when I first saw Jill!!
Sorry. I was forced to sit through many episodes of Empty Nest when staying at my gramma's when I was little.
And yes, I see James Lipton for Bobby. I think he is more James Lipton than Paul Mitchell. *scratches head*
SGM, you win the best commentary on a blog, female!
Aren't there any Bloggie awards out there??
I'm sure someone already told you that Bobby looks like Bravo's own, Inside the Actor's Studio, James Lipton, whose blog ishere. I don't have time to read all the comments, right this minute, but will do so later! Love your review, I only got to (finally)watch it this morning, because my dumbass Tivo "forgot" to record it first time around! That Kelly, she is something else indeed!
"Ramoner's eyes are working overtime" You absolutely KILL me~ I honestly prefer to read your recaps than actually watch the show. Or better yet...read your recap and THEN watch the show! I end up dying of laughter on my couch when I do that!
You are hysterical!
LuAnn "the Countess" just got divorced by her hubby, she's just another tossed away second wife now. The Count is planning to marry a black French woman later this year.
"Bobby looks like a P-I-M-P and Brad is dressed as though he is a part of the gay Rythym Nation."
That line also made me laugh out loud! Thanks SGM, for always making my day!
Correction Anonymous 3:07, the Countess is not just another tossed away second wife, she's just another tossed away fourth wife.
Does Kelly B. use a blowtorch on her face? She is so pathetic....has anyone else noticed that she is absolutely boy crazy? Every episode she is salivating over some younger second-rate boy. she is a cougar.
Ramoner was extra-twitchy this time. You could almost see the neurotransmitters in her tiny brain struggling to leap over those gaping synapses. She looked like an epileptic Mia Farrow.
OMG!!! SGM you are so funny!!! I always look forward to your recaps. Can't wait until next week's episode. Jill's remodel looks absolutely frightening!!! And Bethenny's comment is priceless. P.S. I still can't get over Brad's "get-up".
Bobby also kinda resembles current day Mickey Rourke, only less durty. PS - I just bought Bethanny's book because I detest Kelly.
Sincerely, a new SGM addict.
SGM, you are so awesome! Brad in gay rhythm nation garb? Doesn't get any better! Bobby looks like the guy from the Paul Mitchell hair products ads, and Kelly is a douche bag.
Brilliant as always, SGM!
Loved this episode because Kelly showed her true colors. Ugly colors for sure.
Best line of your recap though:
"Bobby looks like a P-I-M-P and Brad is dressed as though he is a part of the gay Rythym Nation."
Laughing my butt off at Brad's outfit!
SGM. . .as always spot on commentary and bitch witty bon-mots!
Oh and I concur with 90% of what was already stated by all. . .but of course I must add my less then two cents. . .
Kelly (K) is fantastically rude and strangely childlike for someone her age. The pink wellies. . .terrible.
I think K "rully" tries to cultivate the look-at-me-braless-sex-kitten-in-jcrew-crewcuts-kid clothes-vibe.
Cast your mind back, remember when K was "shopping" with The Countess at Malo and she put on that silly little Monica Lewinsky sans bow looking beret and she said something like "hello little kid, high playground" . . .then she wore it to the fashion show?! Yep, K wants to be a big horsey hippie chick in tongue in cheek children's clothing by day and a cougar ex-model on the prowl by night. Sadly it is just depressing and somehow more cringe worthy then Ramoner's slut garb from last season, although Avery might disagree.
By the way, did anyone catch The Countess' book editor/publisher totally checking out K's boobies in that black crochet dress number at the Page Six party. Hey Countess, how bout you stop yammering about how you should be a Duchess and tell your friend to go cover up her stripper ta-ta's and headlight nipplies. . .that is just tacky. Yeesh!
This of course is all completely off the topic of Bethany (B) and K's showdown at the lowdown bar.
Re: B and K showdown. . . B was a bit of snarky queen at the charity meeting, but I love B sooooo. . ..K always seemed like an unlikeable cow and K totally missed the whole concept of charity begins at home, duh!
The appropriate (since K is sooooo obsessed with inappropriate/appropriate things) response to B's snarky commentary would have been sending a brief email to B saying something like "felt a bit miffed by your funny, but embarrassing comment at the charity meeting. I hope we can work on understanding each other and becoming better acquainted. Please let me know if/when follow up meeting to charity event, I will try to be on time. Apologies for being late.Let's do drinkies when you have a chance." B would have most likely apologized since she is a nice person at-harsh-new-yorker-heart. Then. . .I would have said good work K. But calling B out is no way to win friends/support. Especially since B is just plain funnier.
Seriously though, you don't invite an acquaintance to a bar, show up late, and then proceed to tell them "I am better then you and I hate you."
What a nutter.
Bethany: 1 Kelly: 0
I just went and bought the season's pass on Itunes, thank you very much. Bobby Zarin is a dead ringer for Eliot Tatelman of Jordan's Furniture fame...might be too local, too New England for you, but he could be Eliot Tatelman
How old is Kelly again? I think I read that she was 54.
my favorite post... possibly ever.
kelly consults her thesaurus and brad from gay Rhythm Nation.
Ahhh, so much to say...
First - I was HYPER VENTILATING through the showdown. Could NOT believe the BULLSHIT that Kelly was spewing. G kept having to say "It's ok. Calm down." I honestly almost threw the remote. Kelly is a spaztastic-bitchface that sat in the tanning bed WAY too long, and I agree with Jill on K needed to "put on a BRAWR." Everytime I see Kelly, I can just hear my mother saying under-her-breath, "Sun damage," with a little tsk-tsk thrown in for good measure. Gawd.
Second - Shocked, but SO glad that even the Countess thought K was being out of line. I originally thought that she was trying a little too hard to seem "cool" to Kelly, but she def proved that she doesn't care that much. I think she was secretly appalled at how K acted at the charity meeting.
Third - Thanks for reminding me about the word "peen."
Fourth - Was I the only one that was grossed out by 'Moner spouting off her "fashion resume" at a dinner with Mary-o? Totally embarrassing and was obviously just so that the cameras would pick up on it all. Meh.
Fifth - Kelly's green/pink rubber outfit complete with way too many gold accessories = Blech. Get a grip leatherface.
Sixth - 1st thing I thought of when I saw Maxilmilliano was "Speaking of hired..."
Seventh - Mary-o is a lunatic. How dare he be so rude to Jill, and I have not blamed her this entire time for not wanting to play tennis with him.
Eighth (almost done)- B is a class-f*ing-act and she made Mama proud by how she acted during the whole couch-bouncing ep. I hope the best for her, and can't wait to go search for Kelly Bensimon on Amazon. :)
A few things stand out in this amazing recap:
Kelly's "Big Horsey Balls"
Ramoner's eyeballs
"Gay rythm nation"
and of course...
"Gah Head."
sgm, why can't i quit you? every time i visit your blog, an hour or two of my life gets sucked into your bravolicious black hole. gotta read the post, gotta laugh out loud every other sentence, gotta watch the video, gotta refer back to your wit, gotta read the comments, gotta do it all over again- rully, it's too much!
other than that, my only comment is that just watching kelly is enough to make my nose get all numb like it's 1985 all over again (or 1995, rully). dang, that is one coked up mess!
brilliant, as always.
Great recap!! Is snorting coke the reason why kelly sounds like she has rubber stuck up her nose?? It's like all of sudden, during her valley-girl tirades, she sounds like she's talking through a bicycle horn!! Is Max the dude she bitch-slapped or was that some other "lucky" guy?? And how long until NY Child Protective Services rescues those two girls? You'd think the ex-husband would take them!
She really did look like such a jack-ass in that fight, it was amazing! Bethenny handles confrontation better than anyone I've ever seen. I'm in awe!
i love this, you hit it perfectly. Kelly is a freaking lunitic. I hope she know or at least finds out how stupid she looks...Can't wait to read you next blogg about the wives.
You are brilliant!!!!!!!!!
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